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So, being human, I think it's safe to say that my life is very chaotic right now, so this project will be taking quite some time, and updates may feel as though they will never arrive. Bear with me though, I am very stubborn and this project will eventually be complete.


It all started many years ago when I saw some seahorses at my LFS and fell in love. My ex-wife decided they were far too creepy (something about brain-sucking alien lifeforms) and would not authorize my new obsession. As luck would have it, I no longer need her permission.


I had quit aquariums altogether after that, and hadn't given them much thought until recently, when I acquired an 80 gallon tank, stand and hood (the tanks measurements are 48"x18"x21", in case anyone cares to know). I found a 20 gallon tank that I figure I'd use as a sump, and got a great deal on a "Piece o' Detritus" brand skimmer (Odyssea PS120).



Click to Enlarge


The 80g tank needs to be re-sealed, the stand needs re-finished, and the hood needs re-built (or at least re-finished and the hardware replaced), but that's okay. We are in the process of buying a house and will hopefully be moving in in a couple of months. After we move, I'll have the space and tools to make this setup look sweet.


I'm currently debating about drilling the tank. I can't find anywhere that says it's tempered glass ... is there another way to tell? Should the drilling go wrong, I won't have the finances to buy another and try again ... should I just play it safe and build HOB overflows?


I would love to plant sea grasses in this tank, but really don't want to do a DSB. I will be continuing my research hoping find a way to make 1"-3" work, but realize that I'll end up doing macros. I'm also working on some DIY Base Rock, but won't be saying anything more about it because I want it to be a surprise. With curing time and all, it'll probably be more than 6 months before I have anything worth sharing anyways.


Welcome aboard! Do not know anything about seahorses but think they are a neat species. As for drilling the tank have done that a few times and have also found out the hard way a tank was temperedDOH! As for finding out there is not really a way I know of. Do you know what brand it is by chance? If you decide to drill and need help look me up am also in Vancouver and haveabout 3 bits to choose from.


There are a few of us keeping seahorses in the club.


As far as tempered glass aquariums, I have only seen tank bottoms, not sides, made of tempered glass. There may be some all tempered glass aquariums though.


I have heard the glass will score(scratch.) if not tempered. You might ask at a glass shop about ways of testing glass strength.

Here is a Strengthened / Tempered Glass Detector... I am not familiar with these. I just found this page online.



JManrow, thank you. Now that I know it can be tested for, I'll have to find a shop that has the equipment to let me know. I'm still catching up on old posts, but haven't seen anything about seahorses yet. Have you posted about yours? Would love any kind of advice you may have ... especially start-up advice.


spectra, no idea what brand the tank is. I'll be taking a better look at it later today though, and plan on inspecting under every smudge and blotch. It's in my storage locker right now - bad lighting, unable to clean it up, etc. Thank you for the offer to help drill, I might end up taking you up on that ... but will need to know your favorite beverage first.


reef-fisher, thanks for the response. You made me feel welcome, and that's always a good thing.


Let me as well be one to welcome you to PNWMAS, and back into the hobby of reef keeping (understanding that you will be horse keeping LOL). I too love the horses, and wish I could do something as well. Perhaps if I upgrade to a bigger tank, I could use my old one as a seahorse tank.


Good luck with all. I know there are a lot of DIY'ers out here. There are a few different types of overflows you can go with with out drilling.


Have fun and keep us posted...pictures are great!




Welcome!! there are a few of us seahorse keepers on the org. Always glad to have another!! I presently am keeping H. barbouri, H. redi, H. erectus, and H. fuscus. I also am raising barbouri and fuscus fry right now. Keep us posted with updates!!

JManrow, thank you. Now that I know it can be tested for, I'll have to find a shop that has the equipment to let me know. I'm still catching up on old posts, but haven't seen anything about seahorses yet. Have you posted about yours? Would love any kind of advice you may have ... especially start-up advice.


Best of luck on the glass!


Here are a few seahorse related threads. Also be sure to visit http://www.seahorse.org/











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