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Red stuff


Looks to me like it could very well be Red Cyano bacteria, look it up online and you can get a better idea. Its not the end of the world but its not good to have. There are a lot of ways to help remedy the problem but try the more natural ways first!!!!

Treat with meds. only as a last resort!

Remove what you can of it and increase water flow helps tremendously!

There are many different ways you can go about getting rid of it though, do some reaserch on the ways and trial and error until you find the 1 that works best for you! A lot of people sware by different way and always think theirs is the best way!!!!


Good luck!!!! Hope this helped!!!!(scratch)

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Use the turkey baster that you asked about before. Use it to suck up the red slime.


Then put more flow in the area. Aim a powerhead there.


Also, you can try two or three days with no light. It won't hurt the corals, and it may starve off the cyano.


Do a 20% water changes every other day for a week. See if this helps.


Lastly, like TankIt said, there is a product called red-slime remover. Use as a last resort, after a couple of weeks of trying the above solutions.


It is normal, and nothing to stress about. :)



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Thanks TankIt and Dsoz, I will follow your advice tomorrow:

1. Use turkey baster to suck all the red stuff

2. Do water change daily for about a week

3. Remove my rocks and cleaned it with tooth brush


If three of the steps above doesn't work then I shut down my light for a day or two ( I really dont want to do this, this step is killing me: if the internet disc, direct TV die, my cellphone broke I still happy. But if my fish tank light goes out for a day or two... I will go (nutty) )DOH!

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use chemi-clean to get rid of it completely then find out why you got it to long of a photoperiod? too much feeding is the tank close to direct sunlight? all of these? most will say not to use a product like chemi cleAN BUT IVE DONE IT 2 TIMES WHEN THE CYANO GOT WAY WAY WAY OUT OF HAND THEN when its gone you can do what you can so it wont return.

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Thank you all for all your helps. I now understand where Cyanobacteria from and how to fight it. Best way so far is using turkey baster suck it out and water changes, more water flow. So far it's working very good. The question just came up to my mind is that could Cyanobacteria do any damage to my tank like corals, inverts and fish? Not like I am going to leave the Cyanobacteria fill up my tank, I just want to get more knowledge about Cyanobaceria (scratch)

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Do not think it will hurt things they will not grow that great though. I am dealing with it in my sons nano right now. I think it started when a pistol shrimp went in and started digging everywhere. Sand is all moved around and let everything in the sand out. Have been sucking it out and also doing major WC but still am fighting it. Time for a good PH in there to get a little more flow. Good luck with yours it is not a big issue to deal with just a pain to deal withDOH!

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Spectra thanks, good excuse for me to get another PH (whistle) maybe in the future I just plant more Cyanobacteria into my current tank (naughty) so my gf let me buy another tank to quantine Cyanobacteria (Rim)


Wow that's the greatest idea, i have to pat myself in the back (yahoo)

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Thanks TankIt and Dsoz, I will follow your advice tomorrow:

1. Use turkey baster to suck all the red stuff

2. Do water change daily for about a week

3. Remove my rocks and cleaned it with tooth brush



Good plan of action Benny!


1. You may have better luck using the baster to "blow" the cyano off of the rocks and get it into the water column to be removed by the overflow and into a filter sock/filter floss, or let settle to the bottom and siphon it off during a W/C. Be sure to baste as much of the LR as possible, getting into all the nooks and crannies with the baster. You'd be surprised at how much detritus accumulates in the pores of the rock.


2. Just do a weekly 25% W/C and when you're siphoning the water you can use the hose to suck up as much cyano/detritus as possible


3. Removing a rock or 2 to scrub with a brush isn't going to hurt anything depending on how much LR you have. In fact, alot of reefers do this regularly to help battle nuisance algaes. There will be little impact on the life in the rocks if done properly.


Save your W/C water, and scrub rocks in that water. Swish and rinse well.


It may take a few weeks to get ahold of it, but it will work. Just go easy, a little at a time.

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