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New member from NE Portland


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My name is Benny and I live in Portland, Oregon. I am new to this hobby and forum, I did a search on google then found PNWMAS. I registered to become a member this website last week, while waiting for the the mods and admins to approved my account, I did do a lot of reading from this site and I feel that I just found my second home. I missed the last month meeting, but I will look forward to the next meeting and participate in all the PNWMAS events.


I am currently having 4 fish tanks, 3 fresh waters and 1 reef (1st tank I kept all the wild caught fishes which like catfish (lots of cat fishes), small mouth bass, anything that I caught from the Williamete River. 2nd tank I have 5 firemouth cichlids, 3rd tank I have 4 blood parrots. My 4th tank is currently new, it is a saltwater fish tank that I got it from CL a month ago. This tank had setup more then 6 months with the previous owner. When I got this tank it was load with lava and tufa rocks, two fishes, 1 is yellowtail damsey and 1 three dots damsey and few couple polyps, it also came with skilter 250 filter/skimmer. The members from other website recommended that I should get a skimmer and live rocks, which I did. I bought a PS-75 Protein Skimmer and over 35 lbs of live rocks. I removed the 3 dots damsey fish out and gave it away to a good home due to that fish kept on attacking my yellowtail damsey.


I am very happy that I found this website. There are lots of interesting informations and knowledges people in here that I love to gain from. Thank you all and I am looking forward to meet you all in person.

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Welcome. I hope that your new tank gives you a lot of pleasure.


Good move on removing the damsel. They are territorial fish, and each one needs a lot of room. You may want to remove the yellow-tail also, because as it gets bigger, it will do the same.


How big is the tank? What kind of lights? Does it have a sump? Describe the system better. And WE LOVE PICTURES!!!



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You are correct; there is a wealth of knowledge to be had here. There are so many people that amaze me with what they know and better yet the pride and ingenuity of their tanks. I wish you the best on your new adventure and look forward to seeing some pics.


Welcome to your new home.


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switch out the powerhead on the skimmer for a maxijet 600 or 900 and mesh mod it. you will like what it does. I have the ssame skimmer. other option is to run an airstone down the chamber thru the collectioncup holes and hook it up to an airpump. that will give you better results as well. welcome to the forums!

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My tank,

26G bow front.

PS75 Protein Skimmer

2 Powerhead (1 for 30 gallon tank , the other one for 50 gal that I got from petco)

1 Lighting is the 15 Watts Ocean Sun 10,000k PC.

35 lbs of live rocks, 20 lbs of lava and tufa rocks that used as the base rock

20 lbs of live sand

currently own a yellow tail damsey.

Tank had been set up since May 31. All water parameter in good condition.


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Good move on removing the damsel. They are territorial fish, and each one needs a lot of room. You may want to remove the yellow-tail also, because as it gets bigger, it will do the same.





I would love to take out to yellow tail, but nobody want him DOH! I dont want to spear it either. (threaten) I guess I just stuck with him (sad) I want to get a pair of clown fish but not till someone take the yellow tail out my hand.

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switch out the powerhead on the skimmer for a maxijet 600 or 900 and mesh mod it. you will like what it does. I have the ssame skimmer. other option is to run an airstone down the chamber thru the collectioncup holes and hook it up to an airpump. that will give you better results as well. welcome to the forums!


Mister crabs, I think my ps75 is powerfull enought for my tank already. Its doing a very fine job. Are you talking about the skilter 250? If yes then I took it out off my tank already. I didn't like that the skilter 250 at all.

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Thanks everyone here for the very warm welcome. I am glad to be part of PNWMAS and I will see everyone in near meeting. BTW: If my writing is very bad (I know I do make mistake in spelling and gramma and I am still learning) please forgive me because english is my second languages. I can speak and listen clear but not too good with writing.

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(welcome) to PNWMAS!!! I am glad that you chose to become a part of our club. I loved your tank pictures...that tank is stuffed with rock!


Good luck with the tank, and welcome to the wealth of experience and knowlege of the northwest!

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Thanks kriswaters, yeah my tank is full of rocks and a yellow tail damsey. I want to put corals and couple more fish in it too. If I put fish in, my yellow damsey will chase all my new fish to the corner and will stress out the new fish (I learned this from other forum, didn't experience it yet). For corals I dont know what to put in yet. I am still searching. Are there anything is easy corals for beginner?

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Welcome Benny,

If you are anything like me and many of the others here I think we live here. Speaking from experience I know that I am here at least 8 hours a day 5 days a week :-) looking at new posts and reading the welth of info and sometimes rereading.

Welcome again and continue posting updates it looks like you have a great start.



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OOps I did it again!!!(scary)(wife)



I told myself not to buy anything till I recieve my bonus, but I did when to Seahorse and get:


Compact Floures Lighting 130W (True Actinic 65W, 12000K Daylight, 2 Blue Moon LEDs) that's is not all I also bought a Aqualight digital power center......



Help me here I am into reef tank to much... (nutty) My girlfriend come home from work and I sit there on my chair staring at the tank not at her or the HD tivi. (scary) I am a reef (nutty)

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I love the chair right there in front. Like that is the only place that you sit. :)


Like you said, the gf watches the TV, and you watch the fish. :)


Get a couple more close shots so you can record some before/after action. You will look back in a year or so and be surprised at what has grown, and how much.



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