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Help! My Tank Lost Power...


After listening to news of the "Next Big Heat Wave" that is coming through the area I was congratulating myself on being prepared. I had already set up an air conditioner for my "Reef Tank Room". So I walk in the room and NO power to the tank or the room! I went and checked the breaker nothing was tripped… I got a cord and plugged the tank in another outlet in the room that is on the same wall as the master bedroom at it is working.....for now.


I need some suggestions here...I have no out side front porch lights, no power in the room below the fish tank room and no power on (2) walls of the fish room. I have checked for a GFI and could find nothing I have checked the breakers and they are all good.. So what can this be??? I have cords running to the tank and AC but I cant run the two 400 mh I can only run the one 175…. So any clue to what I should look for????? Help!


Sometimes a tripped breaker does not look tripped. Find the circuit to that area of the house, turn it off, then turn it back on. Worth a try if you have not done this already.




I agree with Dsoz, if thats not it I would guess GFCI. Lastly your going to have to follow the line and retrace it. it could be anything.


I went and got a Fluke tester and tested the breakers they are all good. That is what I was hoping it was. I have looked every where and can’t find a GFI. As far as tracing it goes I think the first thing in the line is the out side lights and they don’t work so but I’m not sure if that right. Don’t know where the line starts


I had the same problem recently...... Was a dang gfci that I didn't know was there.....I went around for the day scratching my head....thinkin I checked all the gfci....one was hidin behind tje toaster...lol


I had a similar problem a year or so ago. The circuit was broken by a burned-out socket. It was a bugger to find the problem, I had to bring in an electrician -- he ended up using a circuit-tracer to find the problem. Whoever laid the romex in my place was smoking crack. What's worse, they ran the wiring through each socket instead of piggy-tailing them off so if a socket fails, downstream is dead.


I'd check to be sure that every socket in the house is live, you might have the same problem.


You definately have a problem with load on the line. Could be a GFI that you don't know of or a fried outlet, light switch, light fixture or anything tied into that line. I would enlist the help of an electrician to help...and please be careful!



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