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Sea Horse EMERGENCY!!!


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DOH! A tank of ponies I care for just had a batch of babies born!!! Got sucked through over flow!!! DOH! 25 or so were alive and well in the sump!!!:eek: I knew it was coming but thought I had a couple more days to a week.......(scary) I through together a 10 gal with a little sand from the main tank some macro and an air stone and heater to get them through the night, oh and water from the main tank!. They seemed to be doing pretty good all said and done. I am unsure about what type they are though. They are yellow and I thought maybe Kuda but I am not really sure. I have no Idea how old they are but they are a lot bigger than what I was expecting them to be. a lot were lost maybe 20-30 dead in the sump or chewed up be the return pump? They seem to be attaching readily to anything that comes within reach including each other. It pretty hilarious to see 8 sea horse fry grabbing each other and pulling in all directions.


I fed them some rotifeast after they were all in thier new tank and they seemed to be eating it, they would swim over to it and reach out tward it at leased.


Does anyone have any advice? Post it or send me a PM


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I have raised a few batches of seahorses, and believe me, there is some work involved. Start by hatching out brine shrimp. http://www.sfbb.com/faqs.asp


You will find lots of excellent seahorse information here.


I have some brineshrimp eggs that I can start hatching for you this morning.

My rotifer supply is low as my phyto cultures have turned into a blue-green algae, and do not seem to be supporting them well.


I am sending you a pm.

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If you don't already have cultures of phyto, rots, decapped brine eggs, some air pumps, and panacur, I would just let these ones go. Take some time and get your self prepared to raise fry, not only with your cultures but also by reading some stuff that is out there. You'll have more fry in a couple weeks.


If you can get a species ID, or post a pic so we can give one to you it might help us help you with raising the fry. Different species need different first foods IME. You may not need the rots, will help to know when to place the hitches in as well.



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Most have made it, its been about 3-4 days now. I lost a couple yesterday for some reason but the rest seem to be doing pretty well. All are eating well, some are hitching to the macro I put in with them. I have just been feeding them rotifeast with selcon. I have not had luck with the brine eggs I have maybe they are to old or something........? They do not seem to be hatching. I am pretty sure they are Kudas. the adults look very similar to the picture of the Kuda for sale on seahorsesource.com.

I'll keep you updated.

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I have some decapped brine I could send your way as well as some freshly hatched, and 48 hour enriched brine. Though I'm not sure these will be of any help if they are kudas because their fry are pelagic and would need live rotifers. Are the fry hitching to anything other than each other?? Hard to give good advice without knowing for sure what kind of seahorses you have. A picture is worth a thousand words

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I will try to get a good pic of them later today but it might be more helpful to tell that they were bought from www.seahorse.com and they were sold as "Sunburst". Its hard because I am caught in the middle these are not my babies but I was told by my client to keep them alive. So I am making 2 trips per day to where they are 1 to check and feed some of the suspended baby brine which they appear to be eating along with rotifers, and another to do about a 20% water change. I tied hatching out hatch mix but they will not hatch for some reason..... I am not sure whats going on with that. most of the fry seem to be hitching somewhat they spend a lot of time free floating around the tank but also spend some time hitched to the macro in the tank.

Thanks for all the offers and the help. If you have some live brine you could sell that would be great please pm a number I can reach you. I am very busy myself so the closer you are to tigard the better for me so I will not have to travel long.

Again Thank you all and I will keep updates coming daily!(scary)

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Yes they are erectus fry and lost some yesterday but still have a couple and they seem to be doing very well. I am going over and feeding them 1 time in the morning and then the owner is feeding them 2-3 times throughout the day and then I feed them in the evening after I do a water change of about 10-15%. So they are beeing well fed. I think a lot of the losses have been because of the unsurity about what type they were and us feeding only rotifers for the first few days. I think they were probably not getting enough nutrition to start........ I feel really bad about the losses but I know for the next batch of fry born at leased. I know I have 1 coming soon and am pretty sure the daddy of this bach apears to be pregnant again! So now I am ready for when more come!!!!!(scary)

Thank you to all who offered your advice and wellwishes they were much appreciated!!!(clap)

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bad news


(sad) Well down to just 1........ This is the only baby I actually got out of the tank! All the babies who I took from the sump seemed to stay at the surface most of the time and I am sure they probably swallowed air while going down the overflow of terror:eek:......I 1 that is left spend more of his time now ancored to the macro or swimming around hunting....Hes gotten very large noe, about triple the size he was when I saved him! It discouraging but I know I'll be ready for the next 2 batches that are approaching. Now I also have 3 pair of Kuda purchased yesterday as well. They are still pretty young though.

Thanks all......(clap)

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  • 3 weeks later...



Just wanted to let all know that surviving baby is growing fast and doing great!!! Thanks for all the advice lent.... Have another batch coming anytime soon, hopefully tonight(clap). But this time I am prepared for sure. I have the daddy moved into a 15 gal tall with 2 sponges going so when he has them I can put him back in the main tank with the other adults and just raise the babies out in the 15 gal. I have brine going around the clock in 2 hatcheries and I mastered the decapsulation process. Now I just need to get a phyto and roti culture going, but since right now I am just having erectus babies I am not so worried about having them. I will feed some roti-feast with live new brine for the first couple of days though, then just new brine.




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