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best price in town


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What is your thoughts on the Pacific coast 1000 and 2000 recirculate skimmers.

Good, bad, ok, they seem like a good deal for the price on ebay. Is there a store locally

that has them at a better price then another. I do want to buy locally so shipping is out of the ?.


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I am running the PS 2000 not a recurculating skimmer but I like it. I bought it from Joel at Waves. I think the skimmer is rated at a 200 gallon tank and was running it on my 90 and now my 30(laugh) They are pretty cheap here if you do end up ordering one from the mail http://www.marineandreef.com/shoppro/protein_skimmers_pacificcoast2.htm

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I think one thing to remember when buying anything is that you are paying for more than the product. You are paying for service as well.


You can buy a steak at the grocery store for a few bucks. It comes wrapped in plastic, and raw. You still have to season it, cook it, and find something to with it. Or you can go to a restaurant, and pay a few more dollars, and they take care of all that.


So if you want service of any kind after the sell, it is probably worth the extra money to buy it local, and then if there are any problems, or issues, you have someone you can talk to and get it fixed. Sometimes immediately.

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