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Waves of reef keeping


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This is by far one of the most rewarding and most gut punching hobbies there has to be! 

I’m curious how many times other members here have either quit and came back, been on the verge of quitting or are just too [language filter] stubborn to truly quit. 

For me I’ve been in and out of Pnwmas since 2011. lost my original login so got a new one! The first guys I met were Rodger, Josh (Mohaynow) and Garret (tpa) they thought me so much and I still wish they were around like back then because man they were fun dudes and loved sharing knowledge!! 

this hobby for me personally has been great only lost 2 tanks due to young kids wanting to help! One was an entire food jar dumped in by my youngest and crashed the system, the other was a tank knocked over again by my youngest,

I've always kept nanos, I like how easy to clean they are and not a big footprint but if I don’t stay on it can loose control quickly my current setup is almost 1.5 years old and I’m embarrassed to admit but I just did my first WC in almost 8 months… Tank had seen better days but it’s funny because this past cleaning actually reignited the fire I first had when I started reef keeping all those years ago so it got me thinking what are other’s journeys in the reef keeping world? Besides the fact were all nuts to do this! 

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I've been in the hobby for a long time.   Very active at times, and passively letting the tank do it's own thing other times.  Been very active for past 5 years.

I've had one serious tank crash, due to Kalk overdose.   I refilled my Kalk reactor at 11pm at night with 1cup of fresh powder.   Put the Out hose on the Inlet, the In hose on the Outlet... and overnight dosed all  the new straight white kalk paste into the tank.  Alk through the roof, Fish and Coral soup.    Knew it in the morning, house smelled like ... Dead Coral.   

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35 minutes ago, Zach0225 said:

Ooph that’s awful!! I think that’s one of those 1 time mistakes!! 

Ever since then, I've plumbed my kalk reactors with 1/4" IN, and 3/8" OUT.   Just so I can't make this mistake again.   (I've had two different kalk reactors since then.)

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3 minutes ago, obrien.david.j said:

Ever since then, I've plumbed my kalk reactors with 1/4" IN, and 3/8" OUT.   Just so I can't make this mistake again.   (I've had two different kalk reactors since then.)

Thats definitely an easy way to not make the same mistake. While doing my previous WC I broke my sump so I’m currently using a 4 gallon bucket until I can either fix or replace. 
Although it’s a tempting excuses to finally get a bigger AIO like that redsea e-260 that’s for sale 😂 wife would kill me though

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I think this hobby is the biggest contributor to my anxiety 😅😅😅. I feel ya, I think the biggest thing that is really different in this hobby is that when u buy stuff, there is no guarantee you will get to keep it for long. If u buy a 500 bucks RC car it be there and most likely work fine next year. But a 500 bucks coral? Look at it the wrong way and its mush. But for some reason most of us just cant get enough of the psychological abuse. Maybe this says something about our personality 🤣

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Tons of times I’ve came close to giving up. Never have because consistency = Success. But the amount of effort I’ve given changes, and thus what I’m willing to put into it. This hobby has high’s and lows for sure.

the couple big times it was:

1) after a 10 day power outage

2) losing all my fish due to heater malfunction the day after they finished a 90 day QT for ich and letting my reef go fallow.

The last time disaster struck, I threaten my tank that if a disaster occurs again, I’m done with corals and just doing a Fowler tank. Anyways I ended up suddenly becoming very good at growing sticks and now I’m hooked again. So I guess I learned never get too high on your supply, or too low either. It’s okay for your interest to come and go cuz that’s life.

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