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Helping buddy look for AIO tank setup


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Looking for AIO nano tank probably <20 gallons. 

My friend from work is wanting to get into the hobby after following my setup process. 

He's hoping to get a deal for everything he will need

-light,rock,wavemaker(s), heater ect. I don't think he's trying to spend redsea type money. Maybe something like a fluval or jbj since this will be his first reef attempt. 

Thanks in advance.


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14 hours ago, islandVib3s said:

I can maybe help make one. Just buy the tank(petco),acrylic and supplies like the solvents and sealant. And we con work something out for my time and labor. 

I'm curious about this. I've been thinking about possibilities to add a "sump" as a hang on the back.  I figured people must have already done it.   Could you give a general idea of what you'd recommend building?

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31 minutes ago, Scooter said:

I'm curious about this. I've been thinking about possibilities to add a "sump" as a hang on the back.  I figured people must have already done it.   Could you give a general idea of what you'd recommend building?

They already have hang on refugiums that you can probably use as a sump. Basically for a aio you just add a wall inside the tank and add chambers it filters through to the to a return pump.

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