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Introducing: Oceamo Seawater Analysis (now available in the US)


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Hi all,

We've partnered with Oceamo, an Austrian seawater testing company started by professional chemist and aquarium enthusiast Dr. Christoph Denk, to bring this new service to US clients for the first time. 

This is not just another ICP service - its a professional research-grade analysis of your aquarium's water. The Oceamo team applies a range of different methods including ICP, Ion Chromatography with UV, Conductivity, Titration, and Spectrophotometry to accurately measure the parameters that matter to reefkeepers. 











Best of all, you don't have to be a chemist to understand the results. The team at Oceamo personally reviews your results, along with information about your aquarium, and sends you customized suggestions for correcting any imbalances detected in your tank's chemistry. 

You can read more about the service on my website or at Oceamo e.U.

We've got the kits in stock now, and the next test date is Mar 12. You can keep track of testing dates at our Sample Testing Schedule.


Edited by EMeyer
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2 minutes ago, The ReefBox said:

What is the US cost of this ?

Appears to be $60 on the website. 

My question is, what is the advantage/difference of this test? A lot of people use the ATI test which has to be shipped overseas as well and is $45. Does this include a RODI sample test as well?

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9 hours ago, Blue Z Reef said:

Appears to be $60 on the website. 

My question is, what is the advantage/difference of this test? A lot of people use the ATI test which has to be shipped overseas as well and is $45. Does this include a RODI sample test as well?

ATI is only ICP, right? 

ICP alone cannot measure many of the things we care about. It is not possible to measure PO4, NO2, NO3, or alkalinity with ICP. They can estimate these things based on assumptions, but those assumptions are usually wildly wrong (e.g. the assumption that all P in the sample is PO4)

ICP as typically conducted does not produce meaningful results for trace elements, because they use unfiltered dirty aquarium water, which is full of particulates that make large contributions to trace elements. 

For years we've read criticisms of the inaccurate values people were getting from typical ICP services, and the lack of transparency in how those data are gathered. Christoph built his operation to do ICP right, instead of fast and cheap. 

PLUS, they don't just do ICP. They run a range of additional tests on your sample to get accurate values for the things ICP cannot ever measure. 

PLUS, the chemists at Oceamo personally review your results and info you've provided about your tank, and give you customized suggestions about how to correct any issues. 

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