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Forum Rules


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PNWMAS Forum Rules


Our Mission:


PNWMAS is a not-for-profit society dedicated to the education and husbandry of marine life in a captive environment. Together we can share our collective knowledge and experience for improved care and propagation of marine life while reducing the negative impact that coral collection can have on the coral reef. We are committed to educating the public on proper care and maintenance of these miniature ecosystems and to promote the interest and enjoyment of the hobby. Our society provides resources to the marine aquarium enthusiast in Oregon and surrounding areas by sponsoring meetings, lectures, online discussions, websites and other means, to connect local hobbyists. PNWMAS supports many educational and conservation organizations intended for the improvement of coral reef environments.


Forum Rules:


Access to the website and use of the forums are subject to the terms and conditions of the forum rules. By access to this website and its forums you agree to the terms of the forum rules. PNMWAS has the right to change the rules at any time it sees fit to do so. All changes will be approved by the board of directors and made public by the website or by a post in the general forum. By using the website or the forums, you agree to accept any changes made to the forum rules.


The PNWMAS forums and website are governed by Administrators and Moderators. All of the Admins and Mods are volunteers and are unpaid by PNWMAS. It is your duty to accept and respect the decisions of the Admins and Mods. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. The first offense will be a verbal warning that will be received by PM or e-mail. The second offense will be the temporary suspension of the use of the website and its forums. The length of this suspension shall be 72 hours. The third offense will be a permanent ban of the use of the website and its forums and the removal of memberships status with PNWMAS. The Admins and Mods have right to edit or remove any post that violates the terms of the forum rules. PNWMAS reserves the right to refuse or revoke the membership status to the club of anyone for any reason by a majority vote of the Officers and Board Members. The PNWMAS Admins and Mods reserve the right to refuse or revoke the membership status of anyone registered to the forums for any reason by majority vote of the moderators.


You must not post any material or messages that are obscene, unlawful, threatening, harassing, vulgar, racial, sexually-orientated, degrading, or intentionally “flame” any members of the website or its forums. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. The first offense will be a verbal warning that will be received by PM or e-mail. The second offense will be the temporary suspension of the use of the website and its forums. The length of this suspension shall be 72 hours. The third offense will be a permanent ban of the use of the website and its forums and the removal of membership status with PNWMAS. PNWMAS and its representatives could potentially be held liable from any material that you post or transmit that could be considered unlawful or would constitute a criminal offense, therefore such infractions will not be permitted.


PNWMAS does not control the information that is available on the forums and any opinions or advice that causes any damage is of no fault of PNWMAS. Authors are solely responsible for the messages that they post and the advice that they give. It is up to the reader to discern the usefulness of the message and make a competent judgment of their own. PNWMAS does not control the content that is linked from other sites, but will moderate such posts as they become known. You must use this site at your own risk. PNWMAS is not liable for any loss or injury arising from your use of this website or its forums.


PNWMAS will not offer any personal information about you, unless ordered to do so by a court or any authority with the right to do so. It is at your own risk that you should post any personal information about yourself on the forums, and know that if you should post personal information that it can be collected by others.


Commercial users can only sell within the confines of their company forums. Commercial users are not allowed to sell in any other forums except their own. Bidding wars and Auctions are not permitted unless sanctioned by the PNWMAS. PNWMAS is not responsible for any problems resulting in the business transaction of one of our commercial users and one of our members. It is up to the member to resolve any dispute with the commercial user. Please resolve this issue via PM, email or a telephone call instead of starting a thread in the forums. Only two parties are impacted by this issue, not the membership as a whole. If a commercial user has reoccurring issues with upset members or if the commercial user's business practices do not reflect the mission of this club, the commercial user may be removed by a majority vote of the Officers and Board of Directors.


PNWMAS is not liable for any transactions between forum members. Trading, buying and selling between users of the forum is completely at one's own risk.


PNWMAS would like to thank all of its members and sponsors for upholding these forum rules. By abiding by these rules we will all have a safe and satisfying experience at the PNWMAS website and its forums.

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  • 8 years later...

The classified thread. It's not that the posts aren't showing up its the quick reply box won't show up to type in. Weird.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

That is odd. The only time that happened to me was when i wasn't logged in, which you obviously are or i wouldn't see your post above.

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The classified thread. It's not that the posts aren't showing up its the quick reply box won't show up to type in. Weird.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


Sometimes when things are sold the thread is locked so people know it's sold and it doesn't get bumped up 3 years later and no one but admin or board members can access it.

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I don't get a response box on ultra rock flower nems.so I don't I can pm so that'll work for now


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


Sometimes in Tapatalk I get Reef2Reef threads that pop up (no idea why) and I can't respond to them because I am not logged into reef2reef on tapatalk. That might be why you cant reply. Also I know that you have to have 5-10 approved posts before you can post freely. I hope this helps. 

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