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To much light for my new LPS... receding?


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Hey all,
Lately, some new chalices and one acan started to recede. The tank is about 18 months old, existing coral is good and haven't lost a fish since I started this tank. It's a 65 corner with a 20 sump/fuge. Running two MP10s, good return, cheato grows well. 

Salinity: 1.025
Ca: 480
Mg: 1500+ (running high for bubble algae)
Kh: 8.9
pH: 8.3 (avg)
Nitrates: 5ppm
Ammonia & nitrite: 0

I do run 3 old AI Sol Blue units, 9 hours a day with a 1 hour ramp, W: 45% B1: 80% B2: 90%

I've moved the receding coral to a corner with low light and low flow and they seem stable.

Any thoughts?

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Light doesn’t typically make them recede just bleaches them. Were there other corals that could have stung it? At night some of the chalices get really large sweeper tentacles. Also  acans and chalices can get infections.

Dipping them in something like Revive and then rinsing them in saltwater and keeping them in a lower light and low flow area like you are doing is a good thought. 

I have had chalices where even sand thrown on them by a wrasse caused parts to recede.

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The AI SOL is a powerful fixture,  and the settings you are running would be what I would set that fixture for Moderate lighting, (Also how high off the water in consideration) Try dropping your White channels to 25% to start off with and "Very Slowly" begin raising them if needed (you didn't mention all types of corals in your tank) Set Fixture 8"-10" Above the Water Surface.  If you can use live rock to create shaded areas or caves, that would be a great place for introducing LPS into your tank.

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Emerald525, There isn't anything around them that would sting them, I'm pretty good about placement. I've dipped them a few times now with Melafix and I've used Restor. Did Lugol's once and for now I'm just leaving them alone. The only fish in my tank that digs is a clown and I've moved them far away from him and his two RBTAs.

Exodus, I have them about 10" off the water with an adjustable hanging kit. I put the controller into acclimation mode which should cut the levels in half and I'm going to order the controller for the apex to it's easier to adjust. I'm pretty much doing what you're recommending. It's just odd that it's mainly chalices from different stores. I have a lot of very happy well-fed LPS, SPS, and softies. I'm a little confused.

Here's a pic of my setup, I'll get a shot of the chalice frags when the lights are at mid day.


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Thank you, I'm not new to this but it's good to reach out and see if others have experienced this recently. I've had many corals that have come back a year later from nothing, always leave them in the tank!

Here are the three that are worst off, Mummy Eye, Golden Fleece, and a red/pink frag. I also have a new Miami Hurricane colony that wasn't in the best shape but also started to recede in 1 or 2 days. Again, other LPS & SPS is doing great.


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I'm not sure what you mean by a chalice "Receding" ? Is it losing tissue with parts of the skeleton showing? If so your most likely looking at an Alk swing as the culprit if nothing with sweepers didn't touch it. Otherwise if it's loosing color and fading out, lighting or lack of food is most likely the issue.

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Thank you for your input. My understanding is that receding normally mean tissue loss. See the pic above. Parts of the structure are showing though. 

I've tested every two days, Alk is consistently 8.9. I do have Kalk+2 in my top off which dumps into my fuge for a slower mix.


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1 minute ago, sd45x said:

Thank you for your input. My understanding is that receding normally mean tissue loss. See the pic above. Parts of the structure are showing though. 

I've tested every two days, Alk is consistently 8.9. I do have Kalk+2 in my top off which dumps into my fuge for a slower mix.


Yeah the tissue loss is what i suspected from what I was looking at but it as difficult to tell with the blue lighting in your photos. Not all corals show an immediate response, The Alk Swing could have been a week or two (but you stated you continuously test) so if that weren't the case I would suspect a sweeper tagged it.

Those are just shots in the dark though, Chalices can be extremely fickle, There are a number of variants such as Magnesium to low, Lighting to intense,  change of Flow  or from what i have heard applies RTN. If everything on that checks out I would continue with Kims advise cutting off the dead skeleton and giving it a dip.

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Years back when I lived in LA and picked up stuff from customs I'd never had no problem with chalices or acans. Quick acclimation and in a few months I fragged. We had 3 tanks at home and 220 in the office.

The current stuff is tank cultured from my understanding and I'm failing. It bums me out.

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