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Bluecheese's In wall 270G Display


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It had a LEAK?!?!?! or she decided she wanted it moved "just a hair that-a-way" ?!?!?




She said: Don't you think we should move it a tad more to the left!! DOH!(wife)(threaten)(nutty)(enforcer)(flame)(daz)(cussing)(booboo)(gavel)(comp)


Well a tad was about a foot!(puke)

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Yes DRained, it. Moved it. Consulted. Refilled. Consulted. Added Sand. Consulted. Added Rocks. Consulted. Plumbed the sump. Pumps. Top off.

Then I added almost all my LR and corals that survived the crash and 1 fish. And after 1 week the rest of the fishes that survived the crash.

During the transition I set-up the rail and put temporary lights in the old canopy until we are ready to encase the tank.

the wood panels still need to be adjusted and framed and the doors (made by Sol) added. And my Ca2+ reactor needs to be turned on.


For now 1/2 of my livestock that survived the crash (in the holding tank) seems to be recovering and signs of new growth are there.




Most of my Beautiful fishes are gone, so I am slowly repleating them. I got a Goby from Scott (Spectra) and a Mandarin and a Tang from Curtis (Cocker98). The Goby behaved himself originally but he is now responsible for the sand storm you can see in the pictures below





A few of the big SPS did not make it either, but some of them were fragged and there is hope the frags might recover. I especially miss my purple tip Acro and that nice thick branch yellow birdnest I got from Izzypop. This was a quick grower.




I am still fighting with wattage as anything above 1200W of lights seem to trip the circuit. Right now I am splitting frtom two different circuits but it does not seem right. My electrician originally told me I had more than enough to sustain all those watts but I am not so sure anymore. Do other people have the same problems. Did you have to upgrade? Or just split ...

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bluecheese, what is the breaker rated for and what gauge wire and length did he install for it? Does the breaker have ground fault or GFCI protection? Check you ballast, hopefully it will have the power requirements on it, IE 110V and 4A or something like that. I need to know that as well and I can tell you if he set you up correctly.


A electronic 400W ballast pulls about 3.5 amps, and an HQI ballast can pull as much as 5.5 amps. A standard 400W ballast pulls about 4A.


I'm guessing you may have a 15A breaker? With three 400s on you are drawing at least 12A so adding any extra light and you inly have 3A to spare. Do you have 300W of VHOs?

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bluecheese, what is the breaker rated for and what gauge wire and length did he install for it? Does the breaker have ground fault or GFCI protection? Check you ballast, hopefully it will have the power requirements on it, IE 110V and 4A or something like that. I need to know that as well and I can tell you if he set you up correctly.


A electronic 400W ballast pulls about 3.5 amps, and an HQI ballast can pull as much as 5.5 amps. A standard 400W ballast pulls about 4A.


I'm guessing you may have a 15A breaker? With three 400s on you are drawing at least 12A so adding any extra light and you inly have 3A to spare. Do you have 300W of VHOs?


Cobalt, it's a 15A breaker not sure if it has GFCI protection. But I added a GFCI plug in the room. The Double HQI is rated at 9A and then I have 400 W VHOs. I have been able to split my electric on 2 circuits but I am still short for the 3rd 400W. So what you say makes sense. What do you recommend?


Here is a shot in between storms



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Well that's exactly it. Did an electrician pull new wire for the tank? if so he should be shamed, as he should have used 12 gauge wire (yellow, not white) for a 20A circuit. I'm guessing it wasn't inspected so he cut a corner? A 15A circuit can only handle 15A * 110V = 1650 Watts. Your lights, although rated at 1600W, probably pull a little more than rated (heat, inefficient, long run of cable perhaps, draws more current on startup, etc). So if you really want them on one circuit you have to replace the wire with 12 gauge wire and then replace the breaker with a 20A breaker. A 20A circuit can handle 20A * 110V = 2200W. Since you have GFCI at the wall outlet that's great, no need for GFCI at the breaker.


But there is really no reason to have them all on one circuit. If you have two 15A circuits in the fish room then you can handle 3300W of total power which should be plenty for everything. I guess you don't get to have all your light controls or timers all on one side of the room. Are you using a DC8 or RK2? I wonder what their max loads are. Also X10 may not talk across circuits nicely either, or pump noise can scramble the signals.


tank looks good BTW!

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The electrician did not play with any of the circuits or breakers. He just looked at my box and told me I had plenty enough to run all my lights and pumps. He probably meant splitting my lights on different circuits. Which I am currently doing with extension cords but one line is out of the fish room so I would have to run a permanent wire there maybe from the back of the room. One more hole to drill I guess. (probably not the last one)

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