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Seeking a looking glass


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I'm searching for a top down viewing pane. A half of an acrylic box that can serve as a water tight break in the water surface tension, and that floats on the surface. What I envision (hehe) is something 1/2" and 4" across to allow someone to look down on a coral and take clear pictures or inspection. The colors that are apparent in corals when viewing top down are totally different then from a side angle, and a tridacnid clam is something even more amazing to behold.

I imagine that a few people may want something similar, and have considered taking this to James (Envision), but if that is the case, I would like to get a group together to make it worth his while, as I know he is a busy guy, and the cost/benefit may not be there.

Maybe we can post to see if there is sufficient demand for such an item. Or if anyone has one they are not looking to keep, it would be cool.

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nah, I don't think I would ever leave. I just need something simpler that is better suited to my house. The tank I built last year was just too big, noisy and energy consuming for my 1950's standard ranch with wood floors and small living spaces. I'm downsizing and rescoping the whole tank thing. I'll post when I get back from Hawaii about my new plans.


R-3, are you wanting to build one?

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Yeah get on it Rich, LOL :) . I would like to make one but meeting up would be the problem. If your coming to the June meeting at Advanced then I could bring some acrylic for ya. Later ryan

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My thoughts are to have it float on the tank at all times, and let a passer by take it and just have a look-see. Like my own public aquarium interactive exhibit.

The new tank I am working on is an 18"x18"x18" cube. 3 inch depth and a 4"x4" length and width should work well!

What say you, Rich?

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