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Bandying idea about treating with flatworm exit


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So, I have read horror stories about using flatworm exit, not because of the product itself, but because of the massive amount of poison that the FW give off when you kill them with it.  I have been doing my best to stay ahead of the ever growing problem that I am starting to see in my tank, but with so much rock and porous surface I keep missing all of the little buggers.


This got me thinking.  I don't have any particular attachment to the rock structure in my tank and all but 1 of my corals are not glued to my rock in any way, so they can be moved/quarantined while I dose the FWE.  On top of that, I am ok with removing the rock from my tank and dipping/dosing them in separate containers that I can change the water out of between treatments so that I can keep my DT clear.


What do you all think?  FWE in a separate container for the rocks so I can kill the majority of the FW with it and not pollute my water, at the same time I can keep my corals away from those rocks.  I can then rinse the rocks with clean SW, and then move them back into my tank.  Afterwards I can dip my corals again, and use FWE on them during the bayer dip, and move them back into the tank.  I know that the FW in my sump are going to still be there, as will any in my overflows, but I then can dose a little bit of FWE a week later to kill any that I was not able to get during the dosing in the buckets.


This is a lot more work then just dosing my tank directly, but I think it will mitigate the issues of coral death and fish death that happens when using FWE on a whole tank with a good population of FW. 

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How about move the corals and fish to temporary QT and then treat the entire tank with FWE? Once flatworms are dead, do as large water change as possible then put fish and corals back. Then a week or two later treat the entire tank again with FWE to kill flatworms hatched from eggs.


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How about move the corals and fish to temporary QT and then treat the entire tank with FWE? Once flatworms are dead, do as large water change as possible then put fish and corals back. Then a week or two later treat the entire tank again with FWE to kill flatworms hatched from eggs.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

If I only had a quarantine tank big enough for all of my stuff minus the rocks I would definitely do that.  Since I am limited in that regard I thought that if I remove pieces at a time and dip I will get the vast majority of the bugs, and then in a week or two do a regular dosing, but the populations should be quite a bit less so I would not have to worry as much about coral/fish death.  I alsowant to keep massive amounts of water changes down to just once on the main tank, plus I need to start looking for an active carbon media reactor so that I can have that ready just in case.

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IMHO with the amount of water changes you will need to do with using the product, you could just as easily get a small gauge hose and just go through a suck them out for awhile for several days in a row and then add a natural predator to take care of the rest. 

I had a melanarus that did great with them, but my coris wrasse was the best at eating them. 

Best of luck to you.

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