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What would you Folks like this Thread to be?

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Hey folks!


John asked me to revive this thread several months ago and contribute to it on a fairly regular basis. I agreed to do this but have failed miserably due to a number of factors but primarily because I have struggled to find topics that would interest you all. Much of the research that occurs at HMSC is quite esoteric and not easily accessible or even relevant to you all, i.e. mitochondrial data on Dungeness Crabs, recessive alleles on migrating Steelhead, incorporating flourescein in microencapsulated foods to track the delivery of taurine and other types of nutrition to larval fishes, you get the idea (along with the eye-glazing.)


Regardless, I like to honor my commitments and while I was thinking about this the other day, I had an epiphany: why not ask you guys what you want out of the HMSC forum. So, to that end, what do you want this forum to be?


What type(s) of information will be useful to you?


How can I add to what is already a very cool, informed and engaged community?


Please consider this for a bit and let me know what you think. I;m looking forward to what you have to say.







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I would love for this thread to be all the things you just talked about. Those are what I find cool about the HMSC. Maybe another thread on the development of the exhibits.


Information on water parameters and husbandry would definitely be useful for any aquarium owner. Maybe for those delving into larger aquatic species.


I really don't know, but I definitely feel that this needs to happen. Thanks for asking the community.

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Hey Sid great to hear from you. Some of those esoteric topics remind me of my college days while interesting , I agree Dungeness crab mitochondria is probably not helpful information.


When I went on the tours the things I found most interesting was hearing about some of the projects your students were involved with. Perhaps just updates on where some of your students are working now.


Some relevant research would be helpful like I remember being told that one student did a research project on the accuracy (or lack) of test strips.


There is so much in this hobby that is not evidenced based such as treating ich with garlic. I think more science based information is always helpful like the ongoing LED debate.

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I am an avid outdoors person and my favorite fishing spot happens to be the ocean. Tuna being on the top of my list then crab and halibut then maybe some bottom fish and then the salmon, I do enjoy perch and greenling also. So anything that I have a chance of comprehending would be great.


I also fish inland for steelhead and salmon and used to fish for sea run cutthroat when the numbers were better. Might surprise people to know I have caught all three of those in Johnson creek. Years ago but I still here story's of a few fish returning to some hatch boxes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey folks!


John asked me to revive this thread several months ago and contribute to it on a fairly regular basis. I agreed to do this but have failed miserably due to a number of factors but primarily because I have struggled to find topics that would interest you all. Much of the research that occurs at HMSC is quite esoteric and not easily accessible or even relevant to you all, i.e. mitochondrial data on Dungeness Crabs, recessive alleles on migrating Steelhead, incorporating flourescein in microencapsulated foods to track the delivery of taurine and other types of nutrition to larval fishes, you get the idea (along with the eye-glazing.)


Regardless, I like to honor my commitments and while I was thinking about this the other day, I had an epiphany: why not ask you guys what you want out of the HMSC forum. So, to that end, what do you want this forum to be?


What type(s) of information will be useful to you?


How can I add to what is already a very cool, informed and engaged community?


Please consider this for a bit and let me know what you think. I;m looking forward to what you have to say.






 Hello Sid. Thanks for getting back to us on this! Life has gotten very busy for me, and I did not see your post until now. 


 Some suggestions might be posts about any new exhibits and studies at HMSC and the Aquatic Science Program. Definitely some posts dealing with aquarium husbandry, such as disease control, quarantine, and treatment, propagation of fish and invertebrates, and nutrition and live food culture.  Many of us are interested in having the most efficient filtration and circulation possible in our tanks. Let's all post our ideas! We have a great opportunity to have some cool discussions here!

Edited by JManrow
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