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ETape To Measure Fluid Level


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A little spendy, but this is the coolest liquid level sensor I have seen.  Such a simple concept too:




The eTape Liquid Level Sensor is a solid-state sensor with a resistive output that varies with the level of the fluid. It does away with clunky mechanical floats, and easily interfaces with electronic control systems. The eTape sensor's envelope is compressed by the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid in which it is immersed. This results in a change in resistance that corresponds to the distance from the top of the sensor to the surface of the fluid. The sensor's resistive output is inversely proportional to the height of the liquid: the lower the liquid level, the higher the output resistance; the higher the liquid level, the lower the output resistance.




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All good questions.


I will start off with 'I have never seen anyone use this for any aquariums'.  


It is just something cool I ran across.  So be careful!  


Looks like an interesting concept. Not susceptible to a lot of the common float switch problems


Exactly!  Plus, it is not a binary, rather a level indicator, cool!


That is awesome. Most commercial auto top off kits still use float valves. Can you interface it with an Apex?


I don't think apex could support it as this is variable resistance, not binary like a float.  Perhaps through a modded PH probe port?   Of course they could always incorporate it into an apex specific module though.  That would be cool!


Would it read differently if you had large salinity fluctuations? I relize if it did it would be only a small amount.


That's a good question.  Is the density of the saltwater enough to change the readings?   I am guessing most the density of freshwater is enough to squeeze the outer wrapper and register, so probably salt or fresh would read the same.   Look at me speculating though :D

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