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Sean.G's Reefer Nano


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Sean.G's Reefer Nano


I spent 20 mins typing a tank thread then my web browser crashed and I lost it, so here is my new one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Anyway this tank is a Red Sea Reefer Nano. Its a pretty good tank that is pre-drilled with a sump. The display is 21 gallon 18 inches cubed, with something like an 8 gallon sump for 29 gallon total volume. I go to university at OSU and don't have tones of money to throw at it but its doing pretty good about a year in.


Besides the tank nothing else is too fancy. Lighting is the Marine Orbit Pro LED, thinking about adding a 2 bulb T5 to supplement it and get some different colors. An Aquamaxx Skimmer, 175 GPD RODI, Cheap Powerhead return pump all that jazz. Things I would like to add in the future, the T5's or maybe another or different LED setup. Maybe a Calcium Reactor if I start keeping more SPS, I already have a CO2 tank from past planted freshwater tanks. I have also thought about turning a canister filter into a GFO chamber. Possibly adding dosing equipment again if I get into a heavier stock of corals. Also an Auto Top off because adding two mason jars of water a day get annoying. Anyway here is what I have in my tank and then some Pictures at the end!  



  • 5 Nassarius Snails
  • 4 Astraea Snails
  • 2 Nerite Snails
  • 1 Tiger Conch
  • 1 Emerald Crab
  • 1 Bee Snail

 Fish & Stuff

  • 1 Blood Orange Misbarr Clown
  • 1 Occelarris Clown
  • 1 Madarin Dragonet
  • 1 Cleaner Shrimp

Coral & Stuff

  • Birdsnest
  • Orange Ricordia
  • Purple Mushroom
  • Hairy Blue Mushroom
  • Green Mushroom
  • Duncan
  • pompom xenia
  • tricolor Acan
  • Green Toadstool Leather
  • A bunch of "plain" Zoas
  • Orange Rock Flower Nem
  • Maximini Nem

Pictures coming soon I want to post this so the text is all saved!


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What do you all do for water changes? I am pretty lazy when it comes to doing them and i'm like 90% sure that's why my corals just exist in my tank rather then grow. What sort of schedule are you on? My tank is 28 gallons total volume. When I do change the water I do 10 gallons ish. Would 10 gallons every two weeks be good or maybe 5 every week, although the more infrequently I can get away with the better. I don't change water in my two fresh water tanks and it works for them but my reef needs better then changing the water just when I feel like it. Sort of a noobie question for having this tank for over a year now but nothing really grows it just chills at the same size/number.

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What do you all do for water changes? I am pretty lazy when it comes to doing them and i'm like 90% sure that's why my corals just exist in my tank rather then grow. What sort of schedule are you on? My tank is 28 gallons total volume. When I do change the water I do 10 gallons ish. Would 10 gallons every two weeks be good or maybe 5 every week, although the more infrequently I can get away with the better. I don't change water in my two fresh water tanks and it works for them but my reef needs better then changing the water just when I feel like it. Sort of a noobie question for having this tank for over a year now but nothing really grows it just chills at the same size/number.

I probably over do it. I do a 5 gallon water change twice a week for a 75 gallon display. Roughly 6% with each bucket, but that's on the lower end with the sump. It's a Wednesday, Friday schedule.


When I had a 29 gallon, I used to do 5 gallons once a week. I think you could probably get away with less, but it depends what you want to keep. Less SPS = Less Water changes

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Setting up a frag tank! My excuse is that it will add another 20 gallons of water to my system and move me from 28 to 48 so stability should be better.


So far I have repaired my old diy LED thing so it works again, running all blues at the moment. 

I just finished drilling the 20 long and now I am going to work out the plumbing hopefully all goes well this will be up by tonight! First time drilling a tank and I did mess up my second hole on the first tank I tried. I think i could repair it with silicone but I didn't want to have a janky looking tank so I used another one that was hanging around and it went smoothly. Can't decide if I wan't to keep it bare bottom or add a substrate, any thoughts?. It will be plumbed into my reefer sump.

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Ended up tearing it all down once I was basically finished and had it working. I didn't like the way everything looked and my plumbing skills could definitely use some work, my solutions where less then elegant. The sump was also very crowded with so many extra tubes and pipe stuffed inside. It was still fun to try and get it all working i just need to spend more time planning and need a better place for it all.

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