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Percula clowns


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So when my tank was ready my first two fish to put in were two clowns. And of course one of them kicked the bucket in one week. The one that I had left was eating fine and everything was great. Over a months time I got a really small scopes tang, yellow and green wrasses (green one I gave away) a honey chromis (also gave him away) and a fire fish. With all those fish everything was fine. So since I got rid of two fish I decided to get another clown. So I got one that was a bit smaller like the one that died. When I first put him in he would try to swim with the first then get ran off by the big one. He would eat but not much.


Well now they both swim together and hide in the corner,also now either will eat at all. not that I have seen anyway.


Are they doing there changing thing? Or did the 2nd one give the 1st one something? They are both really little guys

The other 3 fish in the tank are doing great!

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I have a few other foods you might not have if you want to take them home and try them. I would try to get some oyster feast close to them hoping they can get some nutrients from it if at all possible.


I have some feast also if you want to get some in the water to try and enrich it until they start eating. Good luck bud.

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I feed frozen Hikari Spirulina Brine Shrimp mix with Hikari mysis along with new life and garlic. I mix them all in a small container and feed with a turkey baser. The first clown use to just gobble it up until the second clown showed up. Now they both just watch it float by there faces while the other 3 eat like crazy. I would have figured they would be dead by now. This is the second week of this.


No one in my area sells live brine.



I tested my water and everything looks right. It just don't make sense. Everything was fine until I added that second clownfish.

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It's not looking good for one of the little guys. (The one I bought last) I have caught them again, it's not hard to do. I placed them in a sealable container floating in my DT with the lid off. I really don't think there is anything wrong with the first bought fish. I think that ones just hanging out with the sick one for some sort of Comfort. This one don't labor to keep upright and moving or breathing hard like the other but just won't eat.


I'm not going to release them back into the main DT. I'm just going to keep them floating and changing out there water with DT water. I'm poring out there old water in the sink. I then top them back off with DT water and add fresh mix to the DT.


All three of the clownfish have been the inexpensive $15. tank bread fish. These are the only tank raised fish I have ever owned and have not been having very good luck. The last clownfish I had were true wild caught. I had them for 11 years before I was stupid and sold them then got out of the hobby.

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There are a lot of diseases we just don't know about besides Ich and marine velvet.  Who knows could have been something with his respiratory system, circulation. Possibly some sort of congenital problem. I lost one of my first clownfish when I set the tank up. I don't know what was wrong with him he just didn't act normally from almost the beginning. No signs of ich , marine velvet, or any physical signs just was laying in shade. Still would eat so I watched him and then the last few days wouldn't eat at all. Not eating is a bad sign. The other clownfish would stay close to him but he eventually died but she did fine.


In visiting Hatfield last week I was talking to Dr. Tim. He is a certified aquatic vet. I'm hoping he will do a talk about common fish diseases and treatments in the future.


Sorry to hear about your fish.

Edited by Emerald525
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It's not looking good for one of the little guys. (The one I bought last) I have caught them again, it's not hard to do. I placed them in a sealable container floating in my DT with the lid off. I really don't think there is anything wrong with the first bought fish. I think that ones just hanging out with the sick one for some sort of Comfort. This one don't labor to keep upright and moving or breathing hard like the other but just won't eat.


I'm not going to release them back into the main DT. I'm just going to keep them floating and changing out there water with DT water. I'm poring out there old water in the sink. I then top them back off with DT water and add fresh mix to the DT.


All three of the clownfish have been the inexpensive $15. tank bread fish. These are the only tank raised fish I have ever owned and have not been having very good luck. The last clownfish I had were true wild caught. I had them for 11 years before I was stupid and sold them then got out of the hobby.


Just giving you my honest opinion, I think what you did there will just make things worse in the long run. When a clown is showing signs of stress like yours but no particular signs of disease there can be a million different things that can be wrong and in most cases as our fish cant talk to us we are left to guess. We do know things that stress fish and one of the biggest stress causers is "Change". I would have suggested checking your Ammonia & Nitrates and making sure those were in check followed by Alk, Salinity and pH. If all those were in check and no serious fluctuations Its probably not the water but the fish themselves. In this case I find its better to just leave them alone and observe them daily, typically going out of our way to try and fix the situation will make things worse. In many cases when you just let them be they will come out of it and go back to normal. I hope they get better.

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Yea I thought about that also. But I just had this gut feeling no matter what I did that second one was just not going to make it. Now that he's gone the other one seems just fine. Started eating and acting just like nothing's ever happened.


I think I'm going to give this one away if someone even wants him. Then search for some higher quality specimens.

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