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120 or similar wanted with stand in next few weeks


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Moving in the next few weeks, have been keeping my SPS in a 55 and hoping to set up a larger tank in the new place to transfer that to and ditch the 55. Anyone got a solid stand and tank to sell? Prefer 4'x2'x2' 120 but a 90 might also work. I don't have the lighting for a 150 tall. Must be drilled. Would love to find something similar to the one I gave away a few years ago, with a plain modern strong stand. Maybe someone has that in their garage? OK that's not likely... willing to consider larger tanks as well.


Not super into the All Glass brand pine slat sided stands, the way they creak and wobble when I wipe the glass kinda scares me :) Also am not very good at buffing acrylic. 


Anyone got a tank in storage they want to ditch?

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Glad to see you back in action Electrokate!And Happy to hear it is upgrade time for you once again, I bet it will feel good to "stretch" out all those corals again. I am sure you will find a setup here in no time seeing as it is summer and people are breaking down tanks here and there.

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A drilled 180 would be amazing but I would be scared to use old school overflows on a tank that big... also not sure the 180 would be approved by the homeowner. Have to check. Basically I will either have a 72 and a 120 or a 180... i like to be able to separate out things if they sting or are getting nibbled.

Yeah, am more than ready to get out of here. The neighbors are still awful (what can I say it's 83rd and Duke) and the floors are not getting any stronger. I even turn over in bed and the tank in the bedroom wobbles. The water line on the 72 is now over an inch lower at the end that extends to the center of the dining room. This house has had it's ups and downs and been either great or terrible, but yeah. Definitely ready to get moving on. Landlord is selling it, will be torns down to make room for skinny houses.

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Hi Kate,


Glad to see you back on here! Let me know if I can help at all. I currently have an almost new 150g 4x2x29" with corner overflows and black silicone with matching black all pine stand available. I also have a 150g DD marineland cube with starfire front panel and a matching stand and canopy. The cube also has a killer sump that Charles built that comes with it. Feel free to hit me up if you need any help or have any questions.

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Garret, I am interested... especially the cube but the other too. Want to PM me prices? Markvo, is the oak stand black? I should have been more specific, hoping the stand will be black so the different tanks and furniture at least sorta look like I was trying to make things match. :) Probably being too picky for summertime tank shopping, it's pretty dry right now.

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