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I just wanted to see what the general consensus is for how often people feed there corals and fish? I have had my tank up for close to 4 or 5 years and had asked the same question on Facebook and found out some people feed there corals minimum of 2x daily and some more often (fish as well) and I have always just done fish and corals once a week.


Fish I feed: Brine shrimp, krill (engineer goby and anemones only), blood worms, seaweed/nori

Corals I feed: oyster feast, cyclops (do this with a pipette on each individual coral)

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It's depends on your livestock. I have 4 larger tangs and a few wrasses and others. I feed at least 1x a day, usually 2x. Once with pellets/dry and once with frozen. If I don't my blue hippo gets hungry and bites on some LPS :(


And for corals, I feed about 2x a week broadcast, not individual

Edited by Blue Z Reef
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I have a smaller tank, (40 gal Breeder), A couple fish and a starfish, one of which is an engineer goby. I feed dry 1-2 a day and frozen once a day. Everybody seems pretty and tank is fairly clean. My biggest worry is that the goby isn't getting enough to eat. Hides out a lot, and will grab a piece of frozen if it comes by the rocks. 

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When i do the feeding the engineer goby (he is almost 2ft long) usually gets like 3 krill he comes out and will take them right out of my hand or come grab them from the tweezers. But he usually stays hidden accept when its feeding time.

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