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Wtb- acans, ricordia, zoas


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Hey guys and gals, my wife and I finally bought our house in independence and had some good news and bad news on our move???? In anticipation for the big move I traded and sold some stuff and am now stable and ready to add some permanent corals:) I just bought some coral from Garrett, but decided to shout out to all of you that are close to Salem/independence, that might have some $5-10 frags. I'm a LPS or softy/mushroom guy. We are looking for mainly orange or red variety to Brighten up our tank. I have a ton of green fuZy mushrooms too if u want to snag a few:) they are every where lol.

Edited by YUP
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After reading your first post I realize there is little I have seen in the ways of photosynthetic orange and red soft corals so I cannot help you there, Sorry. I do have a number of zoas that might be of interest as they contain differing amounts of red and orange or purples. If you are set on soft corals I still have a number but not in the previous mentioned colors. I have sinularia dura and flexibilus, two types of sarcophytons, Kenya tree, 4 kinds of star polyps,Lobophytons, and a purple gorgonian.

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If you are just getting started again I could probably give you a softy or two, I can look around and see if there is frag or two lying around that need a good home.

Some Pictures to hold you over until we can chat.


purple star polyps



Classic Star Green Polyps



Fade to green Star polyps



Kenya tree with flash on camera



Devils Hand



Baby Green Sarco



Sarcophyton Glaucum


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Some zoanthids that may be of interest.

Some of these are of varying value to me but I am sure things can be negotiable if you wanted a fewer polyp count, I love trading and if you have something I do not we can work something out for sure.

Passion Orange Guava
Pina Coladas that have morphed out.
Eagle Eyes
Reverse Gorilla
Armor of the Gods
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I have a number of LPS and SPS if you are interested in those varieties.


LA Turbinaria



Blue Turbinaria



Red Rimmed Pentagona Favites



Can't remember the name of this favia right now but it is a nice one.



Tyree Fire Chalice



Striated Green Candy Cane Caulastrea



Good old Duncanops


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So here are the frags that were not picked up this week some plane janes some decent but all of them will be priced to go..That is if we don't end up trading something.








and last but not least he wanted a piece of my red rimmed brain so I cut it...and a few other favia,favites,platygyras since I was in the process. Some of these are up for grabs but some of them are already spoken for. I am sure we can negotiate if you come out for a visit.




and if you are reading this Randy I got your Blue Valley Brain waiting for our next meet up.

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Nice! how hard are the favia's etc. to care for? I do not dose and only add trace elements and nice reef salt. One of the many reasons why i like lps and softies, i seem to have good luck with LPS like hammer's etc. When i thought i was going to break down my tank i sold a hammer that was like 8 heads and one black and white clown and one orange for 60 bucks lol. he got a steal:( and of course i dont break my tank down and now here i am, lol.

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So here are the frags that were not picked up this week some plane janes some decent but all of them will be priced to go..That is if we don't end up trading something.








and last but not least he wanted a piece of my red rimmed brain so I cut it...and a few other favia,favites,platygyras since I was in the process. Some of these are up for grabs but some of them are already spoken for. I am sure we can negotiate if you come out for a visit.




and if you are reading this Randy I got your Blue Valley Brain waiting for our next meet up.<br/>

Second picture left side orange and green, what is it and how much?

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Icepick I am not sure but I believe you are talking about the Pavona coral and i is that color because I have the camera flash on in these pictures so the base seems tanish and the polyps are green, under standard bluer reef lighting it is all green. If you were still interested I would give you a piece for making the trip out.


Thank You Clark,This is a fraction of what I have gathered over the years as I have been collecting for some time,one of my brain corals is going on 10 years now. I know you have a bit of a hoard yourself, it's a shame we are so far apart as I would love to trade with you and see your system.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Posting some mushroom pics for a trade with a fellow member, they happen to like mushrooms this time around.The first set are with flash on so they may seem bland without the blue lighting being prominent.


Neon Green Rhodactis




Purple Tipped Fuzzies, with flash so you can see the underlying green swirls.




Camo Shrooms, discasomas that develop an almost turquoise colored spot to them.




Green Tipped Fuzzies



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