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How should I frag zoas?


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I think I have a group i would like to frag. being new HOW DO I FRAG THEM???? I also need a frag rack and all the tools. where should i place them once fraged so on. I also have a big chunk of a coral that I was given that I i need an ID that I plan to frag I can send an E-mail with a picture of the zoas and the coral that needs an ID. Thanks.

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Zoas can be easy depending on what substrate they are on. Get a new razor blade/x-acto knife/scalpel and cut through the "mat" or basically were you want to frag and then you can use bone cutters, pliers, a chisel or whatever to break what they are growing on.


be careful not to get any of the zoa/paly "juice" in an open cut, mouth, eye etc-it can be quite dangerous depending on ones immune system


read up a little on paly toxins



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A frag rack it's not really necessary unless you end up with no place to put your corals. A hole in a rock can hold a frag plug. If you choose to glue your new frag to rock rubble, the sand bed can be acceptable, unless you have a large evil pistol shrimp that likes to steal zoa frags and drag them into it's lair. Oh wait, that was me.

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One trick I have found is to get an iodine dip like lugol's or similar. add to a bowl of tank water until the color of weak tea and place your fresh cut frags in it for 5 - 10 minutes. This helps them heal and avoid infections. My die off rate fell to almost zero after I began doing this.


But the most important thing you NEED to do is read up on paly toxin and take basic precautions.

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  • 3 weeks later...




To frag some Zoas you should take the rock out of the water for best results.. Whether it's at a big scale like a piece of LR




Or to a small frag.





You should use a pair of bone/wire cutters to break the rock underneath them.

Then with a razor blade or scalpel you can cut the flesh between the polyps you want to sperate.

You then seal it up and stick it to the new base with a dap of superglue gel.


When it's loose it will die from rolling around or just not attaching.. A flimsy polyp could be a dead polyp soon..


They should look like a tight knit structure of mushroomy root like structures consisting of watery flesh.

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