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When I put my tank together I think I got a little ahead of myself and should have taken it slow DOH! So, I think I want to sell all my livestock, take out my rock and make sure I kill every last Kenya tree, mushroom, and aiptasia. Omg that would be satisfying..(plotting) Take out my sand, sell some of my rock. I have the wall look and I don't think it's beneficial for where I want to take my tank. I love my sand but I should have gone with larger grain. Make my sump into and real sump(long story). So my goal is new sand, different aquascape, efficient sump/ref, PVC instead of hose, UV sterilizer, reeflow snapper/dart, 2 part dosing, carbon/gfo reactor, ATO with 100 gallon RO/DI storage, LED's and MP40s. I think I will be happier in the long run if I do it this way. Any thoughts?(scratch)

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With that kinda equipment on the dream list youll be happy, as far as redoing it if thats what you want jump in. If you jave a wall of rock you would have more then enough to redo in all kinds of fancy ways. Do you plan on draining the whole thing, i assume.so if you want to redo plumbing, thats gonna take a little bit of cash and work but could save you long run if you do it in a way to run reavtors etc. It comes down to if youll be happier my.man

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Quite the price tag attached to this. Personally I hate - absolutely hate aiptasia, so I can relate - I burned out a tank with bleach a dozen years ago to kill those things - after moving everything I wanted into a new tank - with a dip along the way. And then I threw it all away. If you got the dough, go for it!!! A UV on a brand new setup (and many will say altogether) is unnecessary, in fact counter-productive. MP40's at $450+ a pop is crazy talk for me - at the very utterance my girlfriend would kill me in my sleep...Great plan though. Change is good and will keep you working and thinking.

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Diddo on the UV they need to be highwatt and perfect flow rates to be effective, id agree in not needed. Id waste money doing ozone before a high watt uv

Dont hate on koralias they may not be the best but theyre no aqueon. Mp40s are an unneeded luxury but hey if you get on ill be jealous

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I think that is a great idea if you're not happy with your tank. I just tore down my tank due to a Xenia invasion and just started over with a new tank, sand, and mostly new rock. I am very happy so far and sometimes you just need a new start. Good luck with your new project.

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Well if you rip it apart you can give me all your cool zoas lol! I hear ya with the small grain sand, I regret it in my cube, hard to keep flow rates up without starting sand storms.


I would worry about getting this equipment: 2 part dosing, carbon/gfo reactor, ATO with 100 gallon RO/DI storage, efficient sump/ref


before getting the flashy things like MP40's and LED's (well expensive ones anyway lol).


Good luck, i've been slowly collecting gear over the years to make my way to where I want and i'm still looking for more :D

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