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New Sebae Anenome - How not to fail


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Well I bought an anemone on impulse (which I realize is never a good idea), but I thought that I understood the care requirements. Looking back, I now feel a little mislead by the shop owner as well. I think that I was thinking of condy anemones or something. Anyway, I now have a Sebae anemone that I intend to keep alive.


The good news is that the animal looks pretty good. It is a dirty color (which I have heard is good), and it has opened up pretty much immediately after being put in the tank.


The tank is 90 gals and has 6 t-5s above it. It is pretty lightly populated with fish. I am using carbon, and I will begin using purigen this week.


Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. SHould I be adding Iodine(ide)?


Thank you

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Thanks Garrett, I didn't expect to get much in the way of encouraging feedback. It was sticky when I put it in the tank last night, and it stayed in the same place all night. It seemed happy enough. I intend to try to feed it in a couple of days, and then do that every other day or so.

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Yeah for as many sebaes that are ordered in locally i wouldnt expect them to be " difficult" but ive never had any exoierence with them. What lighting do you have. Nvm just saw that, he should be okay with light if he looks like its straoning itself to reach for light then it wont be enough mpst likely

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At this point, i'd rather not disclose the store. In general I like shopping at this place, but in this one case, I do feel like the facts weren't all there. I go to this store enough to know that the anemone was just recently arrived, and it looked to be in good shape.[/quote

only reason I ask is because I just took 1 in for store credit

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Nems aren't to hard. Good lighting and if you don't have fish that host and feed it then feedings a couple times a week. I feed my carpet and rbtas every 3 to 4 days. My clowns feed the carpet crisps daily but I still give it silversides. Before I got my first one I did some research and found they like a tank around 80. Between day and night swings my tank goes from 78 at night to 80 during the day. If its not happy with where its at or the lighting it will move.

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I had a seabea once or twice . The first one I got was rather bleached and after the first week it kept detaching and taking rides around the tank . Lots of asking around and reading I found out they need a good amount of light .. I returned it to the lfs and he had it under halides and it perked right back up . I know certain clowns host seabea like the seabea clown but I'm not sure if all do . The second one I had I bought it not knowing what it was because it was purple and not bleached . After the first experience I decided to trade it on here I'm not sure how that worked out or if its alive . I do know that there harder to care for than btas and not a great starter nem but can be done . I just seen some on here that we're absolutly beautiful . And I think the lady sold them for super cheap . I'd wait until they pop up on here rather than spend top dollar at the lfs . Didn't you get one derbird? Anyways good luck with it !! If it starts declining mouth gaping floating around take it to someone that will let you trade it in . Nems leave a huge glob of mess if they die in your tank

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I had a seabea once or twice . The first one I got was rather bleached and after the first week it kept detaching and taking rides around the tank . Lots of asking around and reading I found out they need a good amount of light .. I returned it to the lfs and he had it under halides and it perked right back up . I know certain clowns host seabea like the seabea clown but I'm not sure if all do . The second one I had I bought it not knowing what it was because it was purple and not bleached . After the first experience I decided to trade it on here I'm not sure how that worked out or if its alive . I do know that there harder to care for than btas and not a great starter nem but can be done . I just seen some on here that we're absolutly beautiful . And I think the lady sold them for super cheap . I'd wait until they pop up on here rather than spend top dollar at the lfs . Didn't you get one derbird? Anyways good luck with it !! If it starts declining mouth gaping floating around take it to someone that will let you trade it in . Nems leave a huge glob of mess if they die in your tank


No I have a condy and a RBTA that I just bought a few weeks ago. I haven't had a sebae but they are very pretty. I am always a bit leary of getting anything that says difficult or expert only on it. I'm kinda a whimp when it comes to my stocking choices.


I have found that clowns are not too picky on what they host. Mine started with a patch of sand. Moved on to a hairy mushroom. They then decided that a rock was a perfect host. Now they are hosting my condy nem. They have yet to notice the RBTA right next to it even though it is a "natural" host for the ocellaris. I truely think that clownfish are absolut idiots. But they are pretty so we forgive them........ I think I hear a dumb blond joke in there some where (laugh).


I googled the clowns that naturaly host the sebae


Clark's, "Sebae", Yellowtail (Amphiprion clarkii)

Pink Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion)

Saddleback (Amphiprion polymnus)

Tomato, Red (Amphiprion frenatus)

Cinnamon, Red & Black (Amphiprion melanopus)

Blue bar Clownfish (Amphiprion chrysopterus)


With the exception of the skunk they are some very aggresive and territoral fish. I honestly belive that a standard percula or ocellaris would find its way to the nem. But the skunks are kinda cool too.


Edit I miss read your post DOH! Yes I recently got a very nice RBTA from CoralCrazy. She has some of the best stock around. If you would like one jump on her next sale thread. Her nems are too happy, they make more nems for the party :)

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I had a seabea once or twice . The first one I got was rather bleached and after the first week it kept detaching and taking rides around the tank . Lots of asking around and reading I found out they need a good amount of light .. I returned it to the lfs and he had it under halides and it perked right back up . I know certain clowns host seabea like the seabea clown but I'm not sure if all do . The second one I had I bought it not knowing what it was because it was purple and not bleached . After the first experience I decided to trade it on here I'm not sure how that worked out or if its alive . I do know that there harder to care for than btas and not a great starter nem but can be done . I just seen some on here that we're absolutly beautiful . And I think the lady sold them for super cheap . I'd wait until they pop up on here rather than spend top dollar at the lfs . Didn't you get one derbird? Anyways good luck with it !! If it starts declining mouth gaping floating around take it to someone that will let you trade it in . Nems leave a huge glob of mess if they die in your tank


It is still alive, although I don't know how. It won't attach but the funny thing is my anemone crab keeps it held down for the most part. It drifts a bit but mostly stays in the same spot. It has good color and no shriveling, very strange. I did identify it as a Malu anemone which is a species of Sebae...just harder to keep DOH!

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That's weird we'll I'm glad it's hanging in there . That's cool the crabs holding the fort down . Sad to report the setosa that turned out to be my favorite piece because of it bright orange color started growing good and my glue job sucked and the stupid turbo snail bulldozed it into a brain coral and it was bright white by the time I caught it . Sad day . Now I'm on the hunt for another chunk of that its awesome .

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That's weird we'll I'm glad it's hanging in there . That's cool the crabs holding the fort down . Sad to report the setosa that turned out to be my favorite piece because of it bright orange color started growing good and my glue job sucked and the stupid turbo snail bulldozed it into a brain coral and it was bright white by the time I caught it . Sad day . Now I'm on the hunt for another chunk of that its awesome .


Yeah that sucks. I figured I would have the same thing happen with the nem, very weird. Maybe the crab is feeding it. There a ton of people that have setosa, I would ask in your trade threads.

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One of my two Clarkii clownfish has adopted the new anemone. I thought that the two were a pair, but she doesn't seem to want to share. My hope is that she will help the anemone, but she may be a little hard on it. Ideally I think that the anemone would be larger in comparison to her length. Do clownfish actually feed their host anemones?

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yes clownfish will help thier anemone eat and will bring food but also some will take food away so keep an eye on how good of a partnership they have also depends on your feeding schedule for the fish if they get more light feedings throughout the day the fish would be more likely to share also depending on how much food the clown is feeding the anemone will let you know how often to feed the anemone some people only feed there anemone once a month but it a good helping of meat and some feed 1 or twice a week depends on what your nem needs just dont feed them more than once every 3-4 days unless its small mysis or brine anemones several days to digest silversides and other meats that are larger as for care do not hangle the anemone with your hands as least as possible try and make some good planting spots for it in the tank and watch its foot make sure its holding on good and if its hiding its foot thats good its good thats its sticky and watch for mouth problems other than that enjoy the first month is the trouble month so let it do its thing and help how you can

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