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Mistreated fish at petco.


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There not allowed to use anything but a protien skimmer not anything the lady at my local petco is pretty knowledgable about salt water and told me they can't even use carbon and she had to fight to get her skimmer fixed .. There going for the all natural outlook I guess idk .. When I go there its like going to the pound I wanna take them all home with me cause the look sad ...

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One of the managers at our local Petco calls me before each order to ask what he can bring in and not stress out. So for everyone slamming all petcos I do have to defend the one by me. I personally put in special orders with them because they always call me when my stuff arrives and just leave it floating in the shipping bag.

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Ya but any way you look at it your taking fish from billions of gallons of water and sticking it in a little glass box to stare at it so whatever way u look at it I guess of course 200 gallons might seem like a lot but seeing they come from the ocean unless your buying tank raised fish .. It's pretty much a whatever you have to tell yourself .

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Just got back from the Orchards one....gross lol! Algae and cyano fiesta up in there. I always feel bad for the random corals that get thrown in there too with their "great lights"


I saw the filtration, looked like a wet dry with no skimmer on that one. Really grungy looking. I would never buy livestock there unless it was like 1/4 the price of any nice LFS and that would likely be out of pity for the fish :(

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Some are bad some are good. I worked there a long long time ago and the one I worked at always had nice fish and inverts with hardy corals. I have seen some highly praised LFS keep fish in tiny tanks and have coral tanks full of pests. I remember a poor anemone suck in the current and spinning mid water unable to get to the bottom. I had to plead with the person to save the little guy and they only did it to shut me up (their words). Just like every where some are better then other. I just pick where I want to do business.


Petco is in a tough position. They are big enough that they are the main focus of attention. It has been mentioned that they lack some equipment or have different ways of doing things. The reason behind it was that many environmental and animal rights groups sued them and protested until they agreed to do it this way. The technology and way of keeping saltwater has evolved but these agreements have locked them in to doing things the old ways. I have heard they have found some ways around this to be able to keep SPS and other more sensitive creatures but it still limits what they can do.


Plus I recently saw a price list for a petco and was shocked at how good the prices really were. Where are you shopping, I want in if you can get things that cheap (naughty)

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i wouldn't say boycott PETCO as the store sales alot more than just fish stuff. On that note however, its is crazy how their saltwater tanks will look awesome for like a week and then you go back and bang everything has ick...


oh, i also agree that you cant really blame the employees as they are only working with what they got. If management wont allow them to help the fish, what can the employees do. It is really sad though, as i went to lancaster Petco earlier this month and they got two really nice black clowns in and just stopped by again this week and both are dieing with ick. However they have had a couple of purple tangs in their coral frag tank for months and they look really good. Go figure(scratch)

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