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A Little Help!!


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I addition to having a business I have worked for the last 20+ years for a not-for-profit business, Alvord-Taylor, that assists adults with developmental disabilities and autism with assistance in learning living/social skills. As a not for-profit we are continually facing budget crunches, as many of us are.


Kendall of Eugene has offered $5,000 to each of the first two adult non-profit community organizations that has the most Facebook votes (the other four go to child organizations). We are running pretty close and could use a vote from you! The voting ends on the 31st.


Our plans, if we win, is to get tablets with specialized programs for augmented communication for the people we serve which has proven to be extremely beneficial to our non-verbal people.

To vote you need a Facebook account.


Please go to:




Click "View Entries".


Click the "Alvord-Taylor" logo.


Vote for Alvord-Taylor!


Thanks in advance!!!

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Thanks Everyone!!!!


It is getting closer! Only 6 hours left to vote. I am really excited. We, at Alvord-Taylor are a small community organization with, what we believe, has a great mission to help an historically overlooked group become fully involved both functionally and socially.


There is only one vote every 24 hours, so a few of us will need to wait a bit longer to post our vote. It will end tonight at midnight so only 5 hours left! Please vote again (or the first time)!.

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