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Invertebrate Super Sale!!! New fish and corals in as well!!

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I haven't done a big invert sale in a long time so I thought since I have gotten a number of people in lately for cleanup crews that now would be a good time. All prices good through Tuesday or until the particular item runs out.




Mexican Red Leg Hermits:





$.89ea when you buy 10 or more!!

$.79ea when you buy 50 or more!!

$.69ea when you buy 100 or more!!!


Cerith Snails(good size):





$1.19ea when you buy 10 or more!

$1.09 ea when you buy 20 or more!!

$.99 ea when you buy 30 or more!!!


Black Margarita Snails:





$.89ea when you buy 10 or more!

$.79ea when you buy 50 or more!!

$.69ea when you buy 100 or more!!!


Coraline Margarita Snails:





$.89ea when you buy 10 or more!

$.79ea when you buy 50 or more!!

$.69ea when you buy 100 or more!!!


Black Nassarius Snails:





$.59ea when you buy 10 or more!

$.49ea when you buy 50 or more!!

$.39ea when you buy 100 or more!!!


Nassarius vibex Snails:





$1.19ea when you buy 10 or more!

$1.09ea when you buy 20 or more!!

$.99ea when you buy 30 or more!!!


Mexican Turbo Snails:





$2.49ea when you buy 10 or more!

$2.19ea when you buy 20 or more!!

$1.99ea when you buy 30 or more!!!


Electric Blue Leg Hermits:





$4.99ea when you buy 5 or more!!!


Tequila Snails:






Red Moon Snails:






Dwarf Blue Leg Hermits:





$.79ea when you buy 50 or more!


Pacific Nerite Snails:





$1.19ea when you buy 10 or more!

$1.09ea when you buy 20 or more!!

$.99ea when you buy 30 or more!!!


Jumbo Chestnut/Butterscotch Nassarius Snails:





$4.99ea when you buy 5 or more!!!


Balinese Halloween Collector Urchins:






Sand Sifting Starfish:






Sea Apples:




$49.99ea!!!(There are two really different/stunning varieties available)


Balinese Filter Feeding Cucumbers:




$23.99ea!!(These guys are super nice looking)


Mexican Sand Sifting Cucumbers:





$8.99ea when you buy 3 or more!

$7.99ea when you buy 5 or more!!


Tiger Conchs:





$7.99ea when you buy 3 or more!

$6.99ea when you buy 5 ore more!!



*** More to come as I build this thread***


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Nice sale on CUC, you are making in very difficult not to drive south my friend


That would be awesome Jesse!



Here is another one of the cool critters that arrived in one of last weeks shipments:





Check out TPA's Facebook page for some pictures of a few of the other critters we got in last week!!!




Hum, I do have a biocube 29 sitting empty right noiw (whistle)

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Extending this sale through the end of this weekend!!! That's right folks!!! We have soooooo many inverts in stock that I would hate for people ot miss out on this awesome opportunity!!



Also, I have about 100lbs of dry rock that was in one of my old copper systems for a bit. It's great rock but being that it was used in a medicated system, I would only sell it to someone for fish only tank use. It's $1 per pound.

Here is a link to a picture and some info: http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=388498851204794&set=a.160586010662747.38520.160254574029224&type=1&theater

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