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Effects of low salinity..

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Good point beth, also what are you keeping i assume just fish which can handle lower salinity its even a potential way help cure them of parasites etc. That big of drop isnt lethal considering a hyposalinity method drops them from 1.026 to 1.008-1.010 in 5-7 days woth no ill effects. Fiah take ot much harder going.up in salinity at such drastic changes then down. Now if you have any inverts they might feel some effects espicially corals which are looking.for the most stable of conditions you can provide them

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i have 20 gallons.. i keep a single banggai cardinal in it. and i do use a hydrometer.. not sure whether it is calibrated. but the two readings came from the same hydrometer so theres definitely been a drop. should i look up how to calibrate one anyway, just in case? and is there anything i can do, as far as damage control i guess? pet stores are closed for today.. i dont have any marine salt to add at the moment.

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You can if you want to slowly raise back to ideal conditions by topping off with salt water and testing ir another water change. A fish system ideally is from 1.023 to 1.025 and coral and reef systems more closely to actual conditions of ocean from 1.025-1.026 the smaller the tank your goi.g to see more drastic changes which is why bigger is better in salt

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i did that today.. raised the salinity back to normal. and im mixing a calcium supplement to add because i read that may also be the trouble im having with my coral. but i think i may just be struggling in general :/ my banggai wont eat, my frogspawn looks like its shriveling up.


ive done really well with my fresh water tank but the salt water is definitely more difficult, which from reading i understood it would be. i just hope i dont put my new fish through too much stress just trying to figure it out..


anyway, thank you each for your help.

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I wouldnt add the calcium unless your levels are off it ahould be from 400-500, for coral they want/ need an enviroment that is stable your tryong.to change the water chemistry as slow as possible. Just make sure your levels are good and slow and steady, no worries if your cardinal doesnt eat for a day they can easily.do this in fact the less you overall feed the better water quality etc. Your frogspawn is probably just reacting to the change and or going.about its.normal shrivel expand cycle euphyllias are more durable.corals tho due to theyre natural envoroment so hopefully its just that and itll be ok

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Its all about consistancey and stability. You want to set you self a routine for your maintance and do things the same way every time. Go slow and take your time enjoy the process and eventualy you will be able to enjoy the end result. Good things take time and bad things happen in a hurry. Just keep up on your water changes and toping off with fresh water and dont worry about dosing for right now. Also a side note if you dont have a test for it you probably should not be dosing it. Good luck and have fun with this =)

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