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Zoas are shriveling up. Please help


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2 weeks ago my star polyps decided not to come out in the morning. its been like that. then a few days ago my eagle eyes and dragons started to shrivel up. the only thing different that has been done to my tank was the new zoas I had won from noob. but everything was doing great up until the star polyps. I did a water change yesterday thinking that might help. nope. I ordered KM Coral-vite in hopes that might help. I dont want to lose all my coral. what could it possibly be?


btw I have AI Sols so its not the lighting I think


Sorry I'm rambling but I'm freaking out here

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Are you seeing and signs of "something/anything" on the zoas themselves or they just shrivling up. I use "Fish Flex" for bacterial issues, and I have also done it when they are doing what you describe.


This stuff;



One capsule per 1-2 cups tank water let them sit for 15-20 mins


Have you also dipped them to see if there is any nudis on them-I doubt it if they are shrivling-Sounds bacterial to me, but you may want to search on Reef2Reef, they have a subforum for zoas and have a much larger group there.


Good luck

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I cant do a dip as they are attached to my rock work. do zoas sometimes just close up for no reason? the bacterial part, where would it come from if so? my sump is in the garage but we dont do anything in there and when I did a water change I checked in the sump to make sure there was nothing in it that wasnt supposed to be.


How can I tell if its bacterial?


will they shrivel up for lack of food?

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If you drastically lowered you phosphates in a short period of time that could be what is pissing off the zoas I know I have had my gsp close up before when I first added phosban to my nano they stayed closed for almost 2 weeks.

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i had the same issue, my corals were fine then all the sudden they wouldnt open. half mine bleached them selfs out or something being closed up for so long.

i dipped all mine i had to cut allot off of the rocks, most my rocks are huge and i couldnt move them. but after dipping they are great you would be amazed how much stuff is living on you corals you dont see that hurt them. sucks having to take them off rocks but amazed how fast the opened up.

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I find zoas a bit frustrating in that regard. At any given time, I probably have one colony of zoas that's all closed up. I've tried dipping them, moving them, etc. They're finicky. I have some palys that have been closed for 6 months and are just starting to reluctantly open.

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So as long as there is atleast a bump of a polyp then I shouldn't be concerned? The ones that worry me are the bleeding hearts. I have 6 of them and all but one is closed. The one that's open is kind of flushed looking. Not its bright colors like before

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Sometimes my zoos do this. For no reason I can ever explain. All the SPS/LPS/Fish are fine, but the [language filter] zoos just shrivel up and melt. I've pretty much given up on them at this point. I have four plugs of zoos left and I'm watching my gobstoppers melt a little bit more each day. It sux man, wish I could be more help other than to empathise with you.

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Yeah, I have a whole colony of bleached out purple hornets. The good news is that after having them for about a year, they're starting to grow again and the new ones are dark purple. Yay? I'm just about done with zoas. I'm having better luck with palys. I think I even have a new color morph of Green Implosion palys that have a bright yellow spot in the center. When I first got them they were green only but some of the offspring have nice yellow centers. You never know what's going to do well and what isn't.

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Leathers can be very toxic. Some large mushrooms can release chemicals when under stress or next to another coral that they are fighting for space. It happens all the time in a tank, but mainly just local stinging. In the ocean no biggie, someone wins, in a closed environment no way to get rid of toxin other then a water changes, a great skimmer running wet and/or activated charcoal!

Chemical warfare?
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