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just moved last weekend


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Today we set up in my garage at my new place two glass 55gallons one acylic 55 gallon reef tanks... also my 20gallon juv. Clown tank and my 20 gallon ADA tank for my fry clowns and a 15 gallon reef tank for my hubby... took down my 39 bow front and gave it to my sister.... now I just have to get the one new light set up and I'm ready.. and get a longer hose for one of my eheims... but I started at 2pm and finished at 10pm sand and all.. I'm so good... now I just need bigger and more fish. Maybe a clam.


I'm a bit sad though.. my hubby unknowly had my candy stripped pistol shrimp in a rock only bucket with no water on my orange monipora coral he thought was a rock so I lost a bit of that.. he also burried my purple monipora.. I was taking a nap. Men I swear... he also ripped the claws of my box shrimp and my coral banded lost a clow too. While I took the sick nap.. but not bad even with my handi cap of a hubby and me on they make u sick pills.. I'm proud.


My neighbors came over thinking we were having a party and wanted to know where the weed was and if they could join in. Only to their dismay it was a metal halide for a tank... hehe... but my nice neighbor said she thought she was bad with her fish tank of 20gallon fresh and wanting a small salt tank with nemo in it... only to see my garage...



I. Can't wait till they discover the pond.. she has alreeady discovered my gardens.. but not my trees yet.. one week and I've done all this.. I'm good.. for those who don't know I started moving the day of the may meeting which I attened...


Well that's it so far.. maybe ill do a back yard pond reef aquarium next. If I can keep the chihuahuas out of it some how

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So looking today I have found my hubby can't tell coral from rock... urrggg. He killed my orange and grape moni pora during the move so now I need new frags.. but he meant well.... and my boxer shrimp didn't make it after his pinchers came off. But my coral banded is well and strong.. he just finished molting

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So looking today I have found my hubby can't tell coral from rock... urrggg. He killed my orange and grape moni pora during the move so now I need new frags.. but he meant well.... and my boxer shrimp didn't make it after his pinchers came off. But my coral banded is well and strong.. he just finished molting


Wish I would have seen this yesterday. I just threw out a bunch of Orange and Purple cap. I will keep you in mind next time. You pay shipping and it's Free....

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I just moved my tank 50 miles in a downpour recently. I feel your pain. I was as careful as I could be, and I still lost some coral and livestock due to the temperature drop in the buckets. And a couple things got crushed. It is absolutely sickening to start snapping off corals in an aquarium that was so carefully aquascaped........


Good luck with your new place

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