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Starter bacteria?

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Hey everyone.


so i just got a 135 gal setup and a 100 gal setup, with nice rock and sand. (the sand and rock arn't live anymore, do to being out of water for some time)


I'm going to need to cycle both these tanks for a while to start them up again.


I was curious if there are any fast and reliable starter bacteria out there that would help cycle them faster??


anyone had any good or bad experience with any starter products on the market??


also is there any other tips to cycling a tank faster?

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I used a bacteria starter from All for Fish in Albany- I don't remember the name of the product or who made it, but ask Ryan he'll know. The water was cloudy for a day or so. After I added the bacteria, I threw some ammonium chloride from my lab in the tank. I'll give you some on Saturday. Then test until nitrates are zero.

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I started with dead sand (mostly- seeded with a few cups from my old aquarium) and live rock. I let sit for a couple of weeks, expecting a nitrate spike but never had one- so I figured it was safe to proceed (slowly). I started with 6 green chromis (which I now regret!), and a small clean-up crew and slowly added the stuff from my old tank over a month or so. Never had cyano, diatoms, algae (still don't- frantically knocking on wood right now).

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