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54 corner build


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well... moving my 75 reef from the living room into a 54 corner in the bedroom.. thought i would start a build thread..


What I have now:


54 undrilled corner tank and stand

2- 250 watt single ended halide fixtures...

some LED's for moonlight.

Built a canopy.


What I need:


10 gallon sump

drill tank and add overflow



I will be using pump, heater, skimmer, and powerhead from the 75 gallon.

pump is a quiet one 2200. skimmer is a sca-302.




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Couple questions:


Would one 250watt halide be ok lighting by itself? I dont think i can fit both 250's in the canopy along with everything else.


Is a 10 gallon sump big enough to handle flow when pump turns off?


Im going to be adding one 30" t5 in the hood as well.. probably a purple actinic.. is one 30" t5 enough to supplliment the halide?

The halide is 15k

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I cant have anything taller than the 12" high... 18" high is too tall for the stand.. I already tried.. cant get it in and if i cut some stuff to get it in... it would be hard to clean and get into.. 10 gallon is really my only choice besides custom acrylic..

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finished painting background, stand, and tank.

just need to pick up overflow from wanareef.


question: will the 250watt halide be enough light for softies i have now? I am going to suppliment with 2- 24'' t5's but haven't found the right setup for now.

but would the single 250watt be ok?



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Thanks to wanareef for building overflow and Matt new2saltwater for letting me use his glass hole saw.



When the hole saw went through, it chipped the glass alil bit.. would this be a problem besides water maybe leaking from bulkhead? I plan on putting alil bit of silicone around the bulkhead nut just incase.






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Ok so I'm using a 10 gallon sump and wondering how many baffles I should use. Should I use one? That would have my skimmer be in same chamber as drain and pump in the other chamber... Would that be a problem? Or should I use 2 dividers and have pump in one chamber, skimmer in one, and drains in one? Thanks

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On all my tanks the skimmers are in the same chamber as the drain. One of mine has all three in the same chamber as it is just a rubbermaid tub. I have a 20L under my 55 with three chambers but the center chamber is just growing cheato/mangroves. HTH

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I have the same tank as pictured above. I have a 15 gallon tall for a sump. In the 15 I have an area for the skimmer in the first baffle, refugium in the second area and return pump in the last. I love the looks of the tank, but it is hard to get the flow just right in the corner tanks.

Your build is looking great!

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Nice. So the bubbles from the return don't effect the skimmer?


Dont seem to be a problem. Granted my drain comes through a filter sock. But if you think about it what is a skimmer doing. Creating alot of bubbles. I could be wrong but in therory bubbles would help the skimmer.

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