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Power Outage


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I woke up with our power out this morning. My wife was awake and woke me up shortly after it went out. I had to search the whole house for my inverter, removed the battery from my riding lawnmower and hooked up a air pump in the tank. This is the first time I have had to do this. The air stone did a pretty good job of moving some water around.


Anyway, really reminded me that I need to get a UPS to power the air stone automatically, when the power goes out. Does anyone have something set up to automatically kick on when power is out?


We don't usually get power outages if we do they have been very short. The power was out for about 2 hours. On my way to work, I found out why it went out. Someone ran their car into the power pole down the street so hard it broke.




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I have a UPS that I got from Compusa, its connected to my return pump. I've tested it and it will work fine for the pump, but I haven't got around to testing how long it will run. With my new tank I plan on having it connected to one of my Tunze streams.



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I have basically the same setup... I only plan on running 600-800 gph through the sump so my return pump is easily handled by my 1400VA UPS. Given the rarity and duration of our power problems just keeping some flow going should be fine imo. I'm estimating around 2-3 hours of runtime.


Cheap insurance.


I have a UPS that I got from Compusa, its connected to my return pump. I've tested it and it will work fine for the pump, but I haven't got around to testing how long it will run. With my new tank I plan on having it connected to one of my Tunze streams.



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