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cone skimmer help


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I have a sca 302 cone skimmer... I pm'd jadams7 already cause he has one.. but haven't heard back yet so i thought i would go ahead and see if anyone else had suggestions cause its unplugged now just sitting there.




The dial that adjusts the level in the skimmer seems non effective.... the dial is the blue pipe..

skimmer keeps overflowing...

the pipe dial even overflows... like foam overflows from the dial tube ( top of blue pipe)


any ideas how to fix this? it was running fine till i unplugged it and turned it back on after changing out power strips.



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How deep of water is the skimmer sitting in? If it is in too deep that may be why it is overflowing. We have different models, but mine tends to run good in about 7-8" of water.


Are you getting lots of bubbles, or is most of whats in the skimmer just water?

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i think the problem is that the skimmer output( the bottom of the T) is too close to the ground so im getting back flow...... but im not sure why it was working fine untill i added foam to my overflow? why would this change it? hah

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so i raised skimmer about 2 inches..... and set dial so it was all the way open... the bubble level was at the neck and the blue dial was still overflowing out the top....


idk what else to do.... except take the foam out of my overflow? but i dont see how that even effects the skimmer

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so i raised skimmer about 2 inches..... and set dial so it was all the way open... the bubble level was at the neck and the blue dial was still overflowing out the top....


idk what else to do.... except take the foam out of my overflow? but i dont see how that even effects the skimmer

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so i raised skimmer about 2 inches..... and set dial so it was all the way open... the bubble level was at the neck and the blue dial was still overflowing out the top....


idk what else to do.... except take the foam out of my overflow? but i dont see how that even effects the skimmer

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What foam did you put in there? Is it new foam? Maybe it's causing the skimmer to go nuts for some reason. I'd take the foam out and give the skimmer a few days without messing with it much. Mine doesn't kick bubbles out into the rest of my sump so it's got to be something that can be fixed in some way. You could also contact the eBay seller. He may have a better idea of what you could do. I've dealt with him before and he was always helpful when he got back to me.

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woah triple post.... just some matress type foam from fred meyer. i took foam out and there was no real change.... i didnt leave it overnight or anything.. im going to disassemble it tomorrow and put it back together and see if that works...

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Maybe some thing leached out of the foam. If its not ment for aquarium use it may have some sort of additive like a fungiside or something else. My skimmer went absoulutly crazy when I added some stress coat. It shot water right through the top of it (scary) but after several days it seemed to catch all the stress coat out of the water and everything calmed down.

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I second the foam addition. Try removing the foam and then running a good amount of carbon and water change or two. Might take a few days but skimmer should return to normal.




PS: If you don't normally run carbon, be careful about about light shock when the water clears up. Maybe move you lights up if you can.

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for the noise, you could run your overflow box fuller (with a taller durso pipe, keep the siphon short assuming the sump has enough room for the extra volume). that'll kill the falling water noise


as for the sucking noise, are you running a durso and a siphon or just two open pipes?

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