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I am just wondering about using mirrors ar reflectord for a diy lighting set up I see most all are some type of polished metal or caoted plastic. But I dont see people using mirros and was wondering if there was a reason for that besides cost or what? But it does seem that a mirror would be the most reflective surface you could get.

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If you want some DIY reflectors similiar to Wanareef's hit me up, I have a pair in my garage. I'm never going to use them.


There is another fundamental reason people do not use mirrors, they simply do not reflect enough. I am a photographer by trade and come across many lighting scenario's for the work I do. If I need to bounce a light off the wall and there is a mirror there, I take the mirror down. There actual light reflection is not so good, and it is not as focused as other surfaces IMO. i have tested this with light meters and can go into it more then you want to if you like, but mirrors are good for reflecting images, not light IME.


If you just need the reflectors, you should stop by, I'm never going to use them and they have been on my shelf for over a year.

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If you want some DIY reflectors similiar to Wanareef's hit me up, I have a pair in my garage. I'm never going to use them.


There is another fundamental reason people do not use mirrors, they simply do not reflect enough. I am a photographer by trade and come across many lighting scenario's for the work I do. If I need to bounce a light off the wall and there is a mirror there, I take the mirror down. There actual light reflection is not so good, and it is not as focused as other surfaces IMO. i have tested this with light meters and can go into it more then you want to if you like, but mirrors are good for reflecting images, not light IME.


If you just need the reflectors, you should stop by, I'm never going to use them and they have been on my shelf for over a year.

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