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Are tangs really that mean?


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So my powder brown is doing fine, even though I see ich spots on him now and then. Unfortunately, I had to purchase another diamond goby, since I lost my first (for some unknown reason). For some strange reason, as soon as I introduced the new goby into the tank, my tang was all over it. He chased the poor guy into hiding and now it won't leave the cave its found. I need this new little guy to stir my substrate, but it won't do anything but hide. Are tangs really that aggressive? I thought they were aggressive towards other tangs, but not to other fish. Maybe I'm just clueless (scratch)

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They are considered a semi-agressive fish to most. Some are extremely aggressive but it really depends on how you introduce the fish I would assume. Did you move any of your rocks? Otherwise the powder brown has already owned that tank. If you mix it up a little bit you will have a better chance of introducing the new fish without issues.

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If I could tag this link.. I have a yellow tang, purchased a diamond goby last sunday. It freaked when I put it in the tank , tried to jump . Garrett said cover the tank turn the lights off the lights don't stress it. All week it has been a happy camper making it's little tunnels. But has always been a little spooked by the tang . Last night he jumped ship. Is this common your just this one diamond that needed some paxil ?

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I have a regular blue tang (dory) and that is one MEAN fish! It's really odd too because the blue tang is supposed to be one of, if not the least aggressive of the the tangs. I'm telling you though my fish is mean, really mean, my clown fish has the scars to prove it. The PBT is supposed to pretty aggressive from what I have read.


Good luck with your fish PBT are one of my favorites. :)

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my powder brown is the king of his jungle. If I put anything in the tank I have to keep the lights off for at least 3 days just so he can get used to it being in there. I figured they were somewhat mellow too, untill I added another fish. A chromis at that, probably the most non-threatening fish.

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Looks like I'm done getting new fish now (sad).....Does keeping the lights off while fish are introduced help with the aggression? I wanted to get one more new fish, but I am afraid of what this mean SOB might do to it (wife)

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