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WTB lighting or pump


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I have (2) 175 Watt MH with a set of 1 month old 14,000K bulbs and a set of 10,000K bulbs dont know old they are but didnt like the yellow look with them

the 14K give that bright look with a blue tint.

I would take I would $150 for the ballest's and $40.00 for both sets of bulbs PM me if interested


I would be happy to meet you at Grretts in Salem

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Thank you for the reply I have never had MH yet right now I have t5 and thats why I want brighter lights. Would I need a chiller with these lights? I would love to go to garretts sometime soon I keep on wanting to plan a trip and then something gets in the way for its about 3 hours away from me.

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I also have a like new Dual 175w metal Halide ballast and 2 10k bulbs for sale for $130. I don't have any mogal mounts for the reflectors but you could get them at most LFS for cheap. With the 175w metal halide setup you shouldn't need a chiller if you have space between the water and the bulbs and maybe add a fan in the canopy to dispenser heat build up. Shoot me a PM if you are interested, you can see my sale thread here: http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?29220-WTS-Dual-175w-MH-setup



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Does this come with reflectors and ballasts well basically does it come with everything I would need for the lights?
No, you would have to get the reflectors and mogal mounts for the bulbs to connect to the ballast. But they are pretty common and available at most local fish stores.



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My tank is 60x18x26 I am looking for a all in one system and something not too expensive since i cant afford too much, the local fish store in roseburg does not have much and dont think it has any halide equipment and if I would order anything from them it would be expensive since they charge so much for everything. i would love make a trip up to your store garrett its about a three hour trip for me so if you have something that would be worth the trip price wise then yeah i would love to check out the shop. Also ideas for what would be good for the tank as in 175 or 250 or whatever else would be greatly appreciated.

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If you are looking at an all in 1 "fixture" I think you will be looking at a 5 foot fixture that houses at least 3 double ended HQI MH bulbs, you can find units that have T5's in addition which you can use with actinics some may have power compacts vs T5.


The fixture used I dont think its long enough (its 4 feet)-I have a friend with a 5 foot tank who I let borrow the fixture to see if it would work and he said the ends were to "shaded" which is why I said you may be looking at a 5 foot fixture.


With the right pendants/reflectors you could get by with two, and 250 watt would be my advise-400 would be if our tank was 30" or deeper, 175 could work but I think you would want 3 pendants/reflectors. The deal with pendants/reflectors you wont have the actinic supplementation you may want, a lot of people run the actinics first with the MH coming on after and then at the end of the light cycle, the halides shut off an then an hour or so later the actinics.


I have bought the chinese units and I have bought sunlight supplies top reflectors-Both worked fine for me, only difference was one ran about 2-3x more money than another but I wont mention names-


Lots of options out there

good luck

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Thanks for the advise reefnjunkie i appreciate it and will be on the look for that if anyone has a used 5ft fixture 250 watt or something like that for the right price I would love to take it off your hands. It doesnt have to be all in one I would prefer it though since I dont have a canopy.

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I have several used dual metal halide setups available from 175w-400w. Most have reflectors and moguls that can be included. Let me know if interested and I can get you a quote.


Yes I am very interested what would a dual 250 watt mh fixture with actinics cost or something like that or what would you advise for my tank.

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