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Wanted: Stand plans


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I'm moving at the end of the month, it seems like a good time to build my own stand for a 55 gallon, so I am looking for simple (I am far form a carpenter) set of plans. I have seen some DIY stands online using mostly 2x4s, they look pretty easy. The stand I have now is store bought made of partial board and seems kinda flimsy. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

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a 55g isn't really a ton of weight compared to most tanks. You may want to just build it out of 1" plywood and use 2x2's for corner braces to lock into. That would give you more room underneath for sump and other equipment. I know it's only an inch or two but I can't count how many times I've needed only another inch under the stand to make it fit right!!!

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i would suggest to use lamanate flooring as a skin. it already sealed for high abuse and looks good. i made a hood for our 60 gal tank and loos pretty good. next time your in the area, stop by and take a look. even made a storage area above the lights.

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