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Painting a Tank


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Hello everyone,


My first saltwater tank will be here on Tuesday(dancing)


After seeing all of the stunning pix of your tanks I have decided to paint the back of my tank for the first time, I have alway hung some thing on the back of my tanks. Right now my 55 fresh has a American flag on the back. Wicked cool but not for a reef.


The new tank is a 75 gallon glass aquarium with built in overflow.


I think I want that rich ocean blue color. What type of paint can withstand the salt in the tank? Should I go with high gloss or will the glass make it too shiny? Any DIY mistakes I should avoid?


As always any help or advice is most welcome.



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U should paint the back of the tank not inside. :) and u can use almost any kind of paint not oil based. U can even use spray paint. If u want to do blue background u should paint 2 cotes of blue and finish with black giving enough time for each layer to dry. This will allow light not to show through the blue. Giving it a nice rich color.




I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=45.304140,-121.762805

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Thanks guys, I didn't plan on painting the inside of the tank......LOL. But its good to make sure. You have gotta love us noobies.


My main consern was the salt kreep affecting the paint but from the sounds of it that won't be to much of a problem


sergebmw3, great idea of putting a black coat on the blue to block light. I would have never thought of that!

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I plan on buying a cheap digital camra with the paint just so I can share with everyone. My phone camera is not the best.


I'm glad that you are willing to help us new folks out. Thats the reason I'm here and hope to return the favor later when I discover nuggets of wisdom to share (=

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all good advice. I painted my 55 with a navy blue rattle can from home depot. didn't do the black over it, but it's pressed firm against the back, I like the color. I used some 220grit sand paper on the cleaned glass to rough it up (make sure the paint would stick), wiped it with a damp paper down (to remove any sanding waste) and let air dry, then painted. it's only been a few months, but it seems to be doing well and I like it a lot!

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Thank you everyone for all the great advice! I picked up some Krylon paint, deep glossy blue and black.


I did get some painters tape and news paper. Great suggestion, its easy to forget the little steps(laugh)


The tank comes in tomorrow (dancing) but the stand was delayed a week(sad)


I guess we will have to do with my camra phone for a while. The darn camras cost as much as a protein skimmer so I think its a easy choice. I'll buy the skimmer and wait for the camera.


Now the real work begins(scary)


Man I'm addicted to these little facees(whistle)

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what faces (scratch)(scratch)(scratch)(scratch)




These (naughty)(naughty)(naughty)(naughty)


i must be going (nutty)(nutty)(nutty)(nutty)(nutty)


from lack of sleep (drooler)(drooler)(drooler)(drooler)





sorry about the stand but it will give you more time to play with the tank!

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what faces (scratch)(scratch)(scratch)(scratch)




These (naughty)(naughty)(naughty)(naughty)


i must be going (nutty)(nutty)(nutty)(nutty)(nutty)


from lack of sleep (drooler)(drooler)(drooler)(drooler)





sorry about the stand but it will give you more time to play with the tank!


That's too funny!


No worries about the stand it will be here soon enough and it forces me to slow down and get every thing set up right.

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All great advice you have been getting!


I didn't want to have my blackground to be permanent, because I like a change from time to time. I measured the back, from molding to molding and went to Tap Plastic. I had them cut me a piece of black and a piece of blue acrylic that I can change out when I want a change. You only have to tape the top ridge so water doesnt get splashed between the glass and acrylic. I know alot of people paint the backs to get away from having to deal with tape. I try to keep the inside back of my tank free of coraline algae. That way it almost lookslike the tank goes on forever. I have my lights more forward on the tank to cast a shadow on the back which helps with this effect. I call the blue background my summer look, and the black my winter look, LOL.


Coraline algae on the live rock with the black background looks pretty cool.


Also when I do have my blue background on, the back comes out looking a little greenish compared to the blue acrylic. Might not happen with paint though, not sure.


Good luck on your tank,



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It's finaly painted(yahoo)

Thankyou for all the great advice.


I went with the navy blue and backed it with black.


It came out GREAT(naughty)


I was so tempted to buy the acrilic panles for the back as suggested but funds are a little tight right now. I think everyone can understand(laugh). Besides not being changable I could not be happier(rock2)


again sorry for the terrible camera phone(sad)

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