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Will RO water kill Aptasia?

Hog Head

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Thanks Garrett. The 90 will be all softies and aptasia arent invited. Do you think buckets would work or just use the tank and change the water out when done?


It will. It takes some time but they will die off. They do create some junk in the water column so you will want to change out the RO water you use to nuke them.
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When I was breeding the aiptasia eating nudis I ran out of food. So I tried many ways to let it grow faster.

One of the tests was to dump a piece of rock with some anemones on it in freshwater. I forgot it there for a week, no light, no water movement.

I set up a bowl with new saltwater, threw the rock in and polyps where out in a manner of hours.

It could be a cross contamination because, as Garrett, I believe they should die in a manner of hours. But I would suggest to rinse the rock in hot ro/di water. You are gonna kill most of the rock with the freshwater anyway...

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I had my brother try this method. He used RO water and covered the tub so they had no light and some of the little buggers were still alive after two weeks. I think it took him a little less than a month before they all disappeard for good.

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I think I might get another Raccoon Butterfly. The aptasia that was in the 100gal lasted about a week before they completely disappeared. I also hear that file fish will munch on them. Is there any particular one better or are they all pretty much the same?

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Yah the Aiptasia Eating Filefish is a good one and I find it alot easier to catch once you want it out of the tank than a butterfly. Or you could just bring in 20-30 peppermint shrimp and have them do the job. Then you have a bunch of cleaners as well.



Edit: torching them is a ton of fun as well! I fell so much joy knowing that my corals aren't going to get stung after I get that torch out!

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Yah the Aiptasia Eating Filefish is a good one and I find it alot easier to catch once you want it out of the tank than a butterfly. Or you could just bring in 20-30 peppermint shrimp and have them do the job. Then you have a bunch of cleaners as well.



Edit: torching them is a ton of fun as well! I fell so much joy knowing that my corals aren't going to get stung after I get that torch out!


Well after sitting in a bucket of RO for about a day I started pulling peices out and the aptasia were falling off of the rock. I am now taking a scrub brush(a new one of course) to the rock and cleaning the rest off. I will finish it off with a quick boil in RO. The torch idea sounds really fun. I have a MAP gas torch that would probably do the trick. Why would I want to take the filefish out? Is it a bad fish for a softie tank? The racoon would stay. He/she doesnt bother anything in the 100g and my boys and I like Ricky.

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A noob question here but why the hate for these Aptasia what makes em so bad?


Other than being ugly and considered a pest, they will sting other coral. They will quickly take over your tank and push back the coral that you do want in your tank.

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Just a thought, torch lighter. If your going to kill the rock anyway to be reseeded, remove rock torch all pest w/ said lighter which is easy to aim and kills everything it is aimed at than place rock back. You have complete control over what is being torched, and like I said the torch KILLS the whole thing leaving nothing to regrow as well as being quick.

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