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Thanks Breefcase for the Aiptasia zapper!

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Thanks Kevin for loaning me the amazing,exciting,totally fun aiptasia zapper! It's awesome! (rock2)(rock2)

Is work stressing you out? Zap an aiptasia and get those aggressions out!(clap)

Are the kids bothering you? Nail a majano!(rock2)

Too much drama on the forum try zapping a mushroom that is overgrowing your tank just for kicks!(clap)


I don't know if they will grow back but it sure was fun!

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Glad you had fun playing The Grim Reefer. (flame)(flame)(laugh)(flame)(flame)(laugh)


You can pass along to Dave when you see him.




Will do. I just hope he doesn't electrocute himself with that majano forest he has. Then again he's an electrician so I'm sure it's all good. I hope Beth passed along a frag to you for letting us borrow it. If not, I will give you one for sure when we return it to you.

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OK, Here is a video I shot a while back. what you see is the where I poke the point of the zapper into the majano, and turn the juice on. Notice how the nearby oyster clamps shut...it doesn't like the electric field, but seems no worse for the wear. Gas bubbles are released, as water is dissociated in the electrochemical cell that is formed, releasing hydrogen and oxygen. Bits of the majano can be seen drifting off, as it is blown apart.(rock2)



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