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Wiring outlets


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Saw something interested today and I'm wondering how easy it would be to do it.


How do you wire an outlet to a light switch? And how do you wire multiple outlets to a single plug? It seems like that would be the way to go instead of power strips. I'd like to put all of the outlets in a box to better protect them from water.


So, how's it done?

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You could PM Barelycuda who is an actual electrician and hire him to do the job... and it would be good to make a splash shield or cabinet for the actual electrical area.

I think all outlets should be waist high and side by side not vertical, and there should be many. In all rooms of all houses. I don't care how it looks, I am not for crawling around stretching under couch and bed every time I need to plug something in! Would also make it easier to keep the plugs away from curious pets and toddlers. One of these days will hire Dave to redo our entire house.


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I did pretty much exactly this under my 180. I have 16 outlets with each 4 outlet box wired to a light switch so that each box can be shut off individually. I mounted them all on a piece of 1x4 pine and mounted that on the back of my stand. Go to home Depot and talk to the electrical guy there. He can draw a diagram as to how to wire it up. You cannot just daisy chain them together otherwise one switch will control all of the outlets. The trick is to have one "hot" wire with pigtails going to each switch which then powers the 4 outlets.



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  • 3 weeks later...

It all depends on what you really want to do. If you are wanting to control individual outlets on individual switches then for the money the DJ power strips are the way to go. If you are wanting one switch to control multiple outlets like the links then there are ways to do that also. Either of the switch setups above are not that difficult to do it all just depends on your needs and what you want to spend to get it done. Do you want them automatic like the first link with a timer (which the one in the picture is the one I use in the clownhouse to control all of my lighting.) or are you looking for a switch to turn things off for a specific reason?? Let me know what you want it to do and I can recommend a route to get you there.



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American DJ powers strips tend to trip if you are using a good amount of amps through it.

I had my tank wired by an electrician. I feel safe and he put the outlets where I wanted and how I wanted. And all the GFCI too.

He put 2 separate circuits for my tank an one for the water station. No more DJ stuff and 2000 power strips :)

Now I can do my laundry while the tank lights are on lol

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