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First let me start off by saying to the people that owe me money this isn't specifically directed towards you. I have people on here that have owed me money for many months.


My question really falls down to how long before you write off trading and selling corals to others that have either not payed or backed up their portion of the trade. Maybe I'm more trusting than others on the boards here but I'm ok with selling corals letting you see it in your tank and then paying me for them. But it seems as of lately that most do not follow up with their end of the bargain. Even if you can't afford it just let me know and we can figure something out but to not follow up with the seller seems a little odd to me. I know money is tight hence why I'm selling corals from my tank to begin with to support the hobby.


Communication is really the biggest portion of dealing with me. If you don't shoot me a PM and follow up with me on what's going on with the payment I will write you off from doing any further trades/sales.


Anyways back to my original question. What do you do in these situations? Do you only accept payment at the time of trade/sale? I just look at these boards as more of a reefing family so I figure people wouldn't try and take advantage of others.

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I really have not had this problem yet. I am kinda the same as you, in that I see this as more of a club/family, and for people to do that is pretty upsetting. Lack of communication always seems to cause tension and people start to harbor bad feelings. First off if you can't pay someone, then don't get it. You are not gonna go to a retailer and walk out without paying for something so why do it to another hobbyist? If they won't return pm's and you know they have been on the boards than I suppose a write off is necessary. Although if we get the program Kim is trying to implement I am sure things like this will not happen very often anymore. Sorry Jesse this is a crappy situation.

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yeah I agree with Gill. I just simply wouldnt provide " item x" I wouldnt even want it unless I could pay for it at the time just because I wouldnt want to put anyone, let alone someone I considered a friend in that predicament. I suppose there are times when you might be taking something off of someones hands quickly and you might say hey I will pay you later kind of thing because maybe its more of a favor to the seller than the selle, if that makes sense.


But I didnt know people were fronting corals haha Jesus this really is like drugs...


Just my .02 worth

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yeah I agree with Gill. I just simply wouldnt provide " item x" I wouldnt even want it unless I could pay for it at the time just because I wouldnt want to put anyone, let alone someone I considered a friend in that predicament. I suppose there are times when you might be taking something off of someones hands quickly and you might say hey I will pay you later kind of thing because maybe its more of a favor to the seller than the selle, if that makes sense.


But I didnt know people were fronting corals haha Jesus this really is like drugs...


Just my .02 worth


Way worse than drugs! This is socially acceptable. (laugh)

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I only give that much trust to members I have known a while' date=' and members I have traded/sold to multiple times.[/quote']


+1 I'm the same way.


Itrader would be nice but until we get something like that I actually leave feedback on the persons profile by leaving a comment. I have done that to every person I have done a deal with so far. I do that instead of posting a thank you thread in the feedback area, mainly because those threads disappear to the 2nd page pretty quickly and at least a profile comment stays on their 1st page for a while.



n00b sorry to hear that you've had that experience here. It deffinantly doesn’t make a person feel good especially since this is a smaller tighter nit like family but even family’s have members like that I guess.


Yeah and It would also annoy me to see a person come online and ignore a PM's.

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Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice shame on me.


I hate this saying sometimes but it so true. I guess this is how we know who to deal with and who not to.


Besides I had to practically chase you down to make my payment.


LOL.... This wasn't about you steve... but yes you did..

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I only give that much trust to members I have known a while' date=' and members I have traded/sold to multiple times.[/quote']


Same, unless I have made trades its COD-I like to think people here are better tha family, with family you may as well write it off.


I have 2 people owing me money but people get busy and forget, I usually remind them after a month or 2.


If the people who owe me are reading this PAY BILL NOW!!!!


ya you heard me NOW!!! (laugh)

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Usually Jesse, I eventually get the money. I don't typically let someone I have not dealt with before get something before payment and I have not had anyone have a problem with that.


It just seems that once a person has whatever item in their possession they seem to forget about payment. Sometimes I honestly think it slips their mind and no I'm not naive. I know some people feel awkward about bringing it back up to the person but I think it is worse to hold a grudge and maybe the person just flat out forgot. Again communication is important. When in doubt, I let the person know exactly how I am feeling.


I did speak to Roy about Itrader on the day of the meeting and the plan is to wait until all the new board members are elected and discuss it as a group. Please know I feel Itrader is a long time coming for this forum and will greatly reduce these kind of situations (it won't completely end them).


Please also know that I will push hard and push often to get Itrader to this forum and as people know I can be persistent and annoying (laugh)

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Please also know that I will push hard and push often to get Itrader to this forum and as people know I can be persistent and annoying (laugh)




But yeah I keep all of my dealings through PM with all of them. I have like 4 outstanding right now. two of which I am in contact with. The others I just wrote off at this point, but that's what got me thinking about what others on here are doing. I'm just too nice when it comes to not accepting cash I guess.

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But yeah I keep all of my dealings through PM with all of them. I have like 4 outstanding right now. two of which I am in contact with. The others I just wrote off at this point, but that's what got me thinking about what others on here are doing. I'm just too nice when it comes to not accepting cash I guess.


Yeah Jesse, accepting payment before you hand off the item is key. It's nothing personal and I just think mentally it is easier for people to forget when they already have the item in their possession. Also things come up and they may no longer have the money tomorrow. I am very willing to hold items for people but most of the time expect payment for holding the item. Again I don't think anyone has had a problem with that as both requests are very reasonable. It just cuts down on the headaches for me.

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First let me start off by saying to the people that owe me money this isn't specifically directed towards you. I have people on here that have owed me money for many months.


My question really falls down to how long before you write off trading and selling corals to others that have either not payed or backed up their portion of the trade. Maybe I'm more trusting than others on the boards here but I'm ok with selling corals letting you see it in your tank and then paying me for them. But it seems as of lately that most do not follow up with their end of the bargain. Even if you can't afford it just let me know and we can figure something out but to not follow up with the seller seems a little odd to me. I know money is tight hence why I'm selling corals from my tank to begin with to support the hobby.


Communication is really the biggest portion of dealing with me. If you don't shoot me a PM and follow up with me on what's going on with the payment I will write you off from doing any further trades/sales.


Anyways back to my original question. What do you do in these situations? Do you only accept payment at the time of trade/sale? I just look at these boards as more of a reefing family so I figure people wouldn't try and take advantage of others.


way to shed a little lunar light on the subject(whistle) their(those who don't pay) reasoning eclipses my uderstanding(laugh)

(inside joke if you know how to read between the lines)lol


I my self owe bluecheese for a few things because last time i was there, i was short on cash. i am catching up to him soon!so i am not casting stones. if i trade or sell corals, payment or trade is usually done at that time or if not, i have to trust they will settle up or i may have to accept the fact that it may be a write off or it is fuel for herasment.(whistle);)


I hope it works out for you!

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Personally I say cash at the time of trade. There are a few people on this board that I have met that I would be ok with having them pay later. Steve let me borrow his light till I had the cash to buy it when he didnt have to. Met some great people here. Had quite a few flakes as well. Even had someone show up on my doorstep at midnight cause they got lost. I do need to make an attempt to go to a meeting and meet more of you.

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no one really knows me on this site. My job makes it really hard to go to meetings and meet people. You all sound very trust worthy and good people, but I have always paid first and then received. Another option is they don't receive until all the payments are in and put a time limit. Just an idea I have been burnt by friends plenty of times, so that is just a thought. I too need to make more of an attempt to meet more people for I have only been doing this for a year and still learning.

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no one really knows me on this site. My job makes it really hard to go to meetings and meet people. You all sound very trust worthy and good people' date=' but I have always paid first and then received. Another option is they don't receive until all the payments are in and put a time limit. Just an idea I have been burnt by friends plenty of times, so that is just a thought.[/quote']


How long is too long of a time limit?


I'm really glad btw that this thread has stayed on topic. Thanks to all that have posted!

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How long is too long of a time limit?


I'm really glad btw that this thread has stayed on topic. Thanks to all that have posted!


That is a good question... I guess it would depend on the price and what you can agree to. This sounds a little harsh but if they back out half way through then the deal is off and you can give them back the money or keep it for the hassle. But I tend to be to nice and get used. Lol

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I cant believe you jeese.Why you got to put me on blast like this man.Lmbo.Just joking.I would like to say that every one i have met on this forum except a couple people have been great people and finding this forum has been a great help to me.Special shout out to kim and jesse.lolI cant wait to come to a meeting and meet a lot of great people face to face.

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I cant believe you jeese.Why you got to put me on blast like this man.Lmbo.Just joking.I would like to say that every one i have met on this forum except a couple people have been great people and finding this forum has been a great help to me.Special shout out to kim and jesse.lolI cant wait to come to a meeting and meet a lot of great people face to face.


Hey I didn't name names......(whistle)

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