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125 gallon tank/ full set up for sale - 500


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125 gallon class tank with bamboo stand made by Rick

2 400w MH with 20k radiums, pendants, holders

40gal truvu sump

big protein skimmer

mag 9.5 return pump

koralina 4 and smaller one

Live rock like 75lbs or so

New 5 stage RO/DI with bathroom sink hook up/garden hose


The tank is up and running and I don't have time for it right now.. so if you buy it it will be up and running when you come pick it up.


Comes with 4 fish 3 random damsels and a 6 line wrasse

Cleaner Shrimp

lots of snails/hermits




Rics and tri color yumas

neon green birdnest

Zoas from hawaii group buy

Other random Zoa frags like darthmall, magicians, Captain Americans

random chalice




Tank does have some aptasia in it. I was planning on getting a copperband butterfly so I didn't kill them when it first started. Probably around 25 or them or so.


Basically everything you need to just set it back up and go, also comes with a DJ power strip to easily turn off/on things


500 firm come pick it up whenever














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  • 2 weeks later...

Little update, still has everything for sale with two extra's. Niger triger and a blue and red star fish, not sure of the name but looks cool. Of course when i went to take a pic of him to post up he was on the front of the glass :( lol. I really need this gone by thur, but wend would be better. Lots of bang for 500 bucks come get it.


Pics of the new guys.



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yes it's still up for sale


Just got back from camping for a week, dropping it to 400 for everything if someone comes and gets it quick.


for 400 you get:

125g tank


40g sump

mag return

giant protein skimmer

dual 400w ballast with pendants/hanging polls, and 20k radiums

K-4 and K-1

about 80lbs live rock and live sand

3 damsels, 1 niger trigger, 1 six line, 1 big star fish, lots of snails, hermits

6 yuma's/rics

hammer coral


green birdnest

random chalice

small green candy canes

14 different kind of zoa's including captian american's, darth mall, and others from hawaii gorup buy, and more

2 filter socks

and 75gpd RO/DI 5 stage from air water and ice




Tank is setup so it must be broken down and loaded into your truck.. so bring conatainers/buckets for anything you want to keep alive

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