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Bubble Anemone


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I have had my bubble for a little over a week. I have 2 clowns and a porcelin crab that host the bubble. My concern is that he is on the side of the tank, in a corner and not on the rocks. It has been there for a couple of days. Should I move it back on the rocks or leave it alone? He seems to be doing ok where he is at for now.

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The anemone moved there for a reason...it doesn't matter whether you move it to the rocks or not, it will go where it is most comfortable. I have had anemones for years and THE #1 rule is....put it in the tank and LEAVE IT ALONE...as long as it isn't near a powerhead, you can't improve its survival ability. There may be somewhere you like its looks better, but doubtful it will stay there.



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[ATTACH]11233[/ATTACH]Agreed with the let it be. I had a crab that hosted a RBTA with two clowns. Clowns decided to murder the crab one day. Here is a pic of the clowns.v Everybody likes pics. Kinda an odd couple. RBTA looks kinda sad in the pic, if I remember right the lights just came on before I snapped the pic.


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