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I was watching the news tonight...and they were talking about a 12 step program for people who are "addicted" to e-mail...(clap) . You have to be kidding me, people are addicted to email. I was thinking back to all of things I have heard that are addictions. It seems that everything is an addiction...


So this got me to thinking...I do not think it is the things that are the addiction, I think we as humans have a natural tendency to be addicted to stuff. My addiction-this hobby, my girlfriend's-gossip magazines, my mom's-shopping.


What has led to all this being addictions, is people wanting to find an excuse for whatever they really like to do...I think the word hobby is being replaced by addiction.


Definition of addiction "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma"


Now we kid around alot in this hobby about being addicted, but it does not cause sever trauma...I also do not think e-mail cause seer trauma...


People do not want to accept responsibility for liking something more then something else.


I would like to see what people think about this...

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Finding something you like and are passionate about is great' date=' but something that you can't stop (an addiction) is not. There is a fine line sometimes.[/quote']

I agree...but have we taken the whole addiction thing a little to far? Do you really believe that email has taken over enough lives, that people are losing family members over it? I doubt that...but I could be wrong.

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how can you be addicted to email(scratch) It's just a tool to communicate. I guess if girls can be addicted to talking on the phone...then this is possible.


reefgeek....mom's shopping? hehe, care to explain? EDit: read it wrong....you meant your mom was addicted to shopping..haha...oops



I don't think there's anything....oh wait...i guess visiting this forum throughout the day could possibly be considered an addiction...(whistle)


(scary) oh noes they gonna take my pnwmas away(scary)

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Now if you consider the fact of a tank crash, how are you figuring it isn't an addition.


"Definition of addiction "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma"


I have had this sickening feeling, when things don't go right, but keep trying. I beleave that is an "addition"

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Now if you consider the fact of a tank crash, how are you figuring it isn't an addition.


"Definition of addiction "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma"


I have had this sickening feeling, when things don't go right, but keep trying. I beleave that is an "addition"


you may have an addiction to your tank, but that is you. Email, shopping, reefing, etc. do not cause severe trauma in most people. Like drugs do to people. Again, I think we are a species that just has an addictive habit.


I would not call having negative happenings with your tank and wanting to fix it, an addiction...I would call that perseverance.

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I suspect addiction is a predominantly human affliction, and the normal processes of natural selection stopped applying to us when we invented currency ;-)


Are there any instances of addiction outside the human species? The only thing even close that comes to my mind is that hysterical video of all the African animals getting drunk on naturally fermenting fruit -- I wonder if any addicted monkeys can be seen crashed out on the Serengeti, a brown paper bag full of rotting fruit clutched tightly to their chest...

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I can vouch for e-mail and internet browsing as a side effect causing people to lose their jobs. As the IT manager, I had to filter through people's "crap" every time they were fired and tried saying it wasn't justified. Needless to say, it's amazing how much time some ladies spent chatting it up all day in e-mail when they weren't standing around gossiping. Internet traffic too often had nothing to do with the workplace either all day long. Those that gabbed all day, weren't getting sales and "didn't know why", especially when they were let go...duh.

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My wife thinks I am "addicted" to looking at fish forums on the internet... I guess that it is better than porn...


My dog is "addicted" to playing ball... Will you stop dropping that thing in my lap... Ok let me sign out and I will go out in the dark rainy night to throw it a couple of times... LOL


Later :)

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rofl...yep it's pretty ingrained in human behaviors of all types I guess...and the recently prominent issues of internet and MMO addiction in gaming definitely throws an interesting new angle into the debate about the chemical and psychological origins of addiction of all kinds.


fascinating really...the definition of addiction is simple and universally applicable it seems, but the origins of the behavioral template - something that becomes obsessive to the point of disrupting normal levels of function - is seemingly devoid of value when viewed from a natural selection perspetive. what's the survival advantage? I've got to be missing something rudimentary but I'm not familiar with the subject really and this Mikarita is starting to talk for me. :)

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So whats the company supposed to do about his internet addiction, you can fire a meth head if you catch him using on the job, and I'm sure they have an internet use aqreement when he got hired that said he wouldn't use these sites at work. and I'm sure the ADA doesn't cover anything near internet addictions

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The internet cannot be an addiction, i'm sorry it has no addictive properties, you do not ingest it, if does not mess with chemicals in your body. Its freaking retarted.


IBM yah that was it, thanks Andy.



Addiction is a chronic disorder proposed to be precipitated by a combination of genetic, biological/pharmacological and social factors. Addiction is characterized by the repeated use of substances or behaviors despite clear evidence of morbidity secondary to such use.

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So whats the company supposed to do about his internet addiction' date=' you can fire a meth head if you catch him using on the job, and I'm sure they have an internet use aqreement when he got hired that said he wouldn't use these sites at work. and I'm sure the ADA doesn't cover anything near internet addictions[/quote']


New York is an "employment at will" state (as are OR and WA), so an employer can terminate any given employee whenever they want, for whatever non-discriminatory reason they want. This fellow is gunning for an ADA violation, claiming that he is disabled by PTSD manifesting as Internet addiction. Seems like a long-shot to me, but who knows what the facts really are? Stranger things have happened.

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