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Bad Freaking day


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First the started pretty good got out of work early and got to hang out with some friends and what not & then it just went down hill fast (flame) first off I looked at my tank and noticed that the star polyps where killing my nice acro and then moved it and tryied to save it and it didn't work (sad) and then the nasty skin that was dying off got on my very nice tri color and killed that as well (flame)(sad) and then one of my Monti caps fell on my horn coral and that's dying off . Which just sucks @$$ and I thought the day couldn't get any worse we had friends over with there bratty kids DOH! And they broke are 55 inch plasma tv (flame)(flame) and now it's going to cost me more to fix it than keep it (flame) so time to go buy a new tv & did I forget to tell all of u that we just got that tv 6 months ago and my (wife) was so pissed . Your own kids know better and they take care of there thing ( I-pads,I-phones,computers &.......) so we where so pissed and our friends said they would pay for the tv and what not but that's not the point. Those kids just don't take care of anything and my wife & I work hard for our $$ and what and we teach our kids to take care of high dollar items . Well sry to vent but thanks for listening

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Dang man that is a crappy day. I'd lock myself in my game room all day if that happened to me. Gaming and beer all day long (laugh)


Keep your head up though, I'm sure some ppl have frags of those you lost. I'd hook you up if you were closer!


That really sucks about the TV too, love my TV. Maybe time to upgrade to LED!!

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Well on the positive be thankful your friends offered to pay for it and there's not much you can do to change how they view things but at least you are teaching your children to value their items. Beth and I get in that argument all the time when the kids leave their nice bike out or their helmet gets chewed up or they leave the tv on. I work too hard for my money and value everything I have and take care of it. I hate losing corals and fish as well and I'm particularly upset if it was something that could have been prevented.


On the positive, all your frags I have for you are looking great and the proceeds from the one you bid on went to Reefer Dan's family. His wife posted up on reef2reef forum. Really sad story. They have a baby in the intensive care nursery and her sister was the one driving the car in the accident.

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. His wife posted up on reef2reef forum. Really sad story. They have a baby in the intensive care nursery and her sister was the one driving the car in the accident.


yeah, you can gripe cause you have no boots, the guy next door has not shoes. not much consolation, but is very true. hope they hold up their end & pay up

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