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ICH treatment thread


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So i picked up a flame angel from garret the other day, he ended up getting swim bladder disease and he died pretty quick(sad).

Lucky for me i had him in my 50 gallon quarantine system and not the display. his tank mates were a koran angel fish and some damsels.


the next day following the death of the angel i looked in on the system, and i saw that my koran angel(juvenile) and a damsel were ich-ed up.

my guess is that the fish were stressed because of the water quality and ammonia spike from the dead fish, or anything like that. so i took them over to a ten gallon hospital tank. that is where they are now

They are small fish keep in mind, the angel is 4" and the damsel is 1" so they are happy enough in a 10 gallon tank for the time being.


i mixed up a brand new batch of saltwater at 1.025 salinity. i set up a hang on back filter and a heater as well as a light.


So that is where they were last night. i would normally just let them chill out and not medicate (my thinking is that the ich came from stress, and stress came from bad water) but my angel looked like a tasseled file fish (scary), and i thought it was high time to medicate.

i chose to medicate with quick cure, which is a formula of melanchite green and formalin. i chose this for three reasons:

1) i had it handy, and it was 8pm at night, so if i wanted to use copper i could not treat until the morning, and then it might be too late


2) it was recommended to me by Dr. Bennet, who works at hollywood aquarium, and i trust his opinion and experience


3) it is less harsh on the fish in the long term (so i heard) and easier to remove from water etc.


so i medicated according to back last night, 1 drop per gallon. and it worked pretty good. my fish seem to be breathing more naturally and they have WAY less ich spots on them. it still is not gone and i plan on water changing once more today and doing the same thing tonight. i will post pictures and keep you up dated on how this works.


i am feeding with (and they are eating)spectrum pellets, i first tried feeding with garlic soaked nori (the koran's favorite) but he ignored it.


the tank temp last night was 73, but i have been slowly increasing temp all day, as suggested by Dr. Bennet. current temp is 76


wish me luck!

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Good luck. Quick cure works fairly well. to help you can gravel vac the bottom if there is a sand bed in hopes of sucking out the eggs before they hatch. also the move to the 10 gallon could have put stress on the fish and keep a close eye on them. dont forget to treat atleast 3 days pass any signs of ich. good luck!!!

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Just as an FYI, the only reason I don't currently hypo any of our fish is because we just don't have the room to set up a dedicated QT tank. Once we get our own house, I'm planning on setting up a 33L with a sand filter, if I can DIY one, to use for QT.


But, once we do get a house, every fish in our system will be Hypo'd before being allowed back into the DT an frag an species tank.

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okay, so never posted any pics, that is because there was nothing to take a pic of (bare ten gallon tank, nothing other than two fish)! the fish were up to par after about three days of treatment, and i would say that this was a success.


i certainly would suggest this treatment to other people!


and mick-

i agree with the hypo salinity, however it does stress the fish, and that didn't seem to be a good option for this circumstance.



i think that i am going to donate this fish to someone with a fowler, i really dont think i have been caring for it properly by keeping it in my qt system, it deserves a better set up. i think i will just hand it off to jeff, owner of the aquarium in oc.

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