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Thx, a couple of ?. Drying the area didn't work. I dried both rock surface and coral. About wedging it into a crevice,is it safe to really wedge the the hard skeleton part in, or will I kill it if I damage the skeleton?


Oh I love feeding the coral,you are right they grow fast when fed.

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I use the red epoxy when attaching all my corals to my rock-I have turbo snails and just glue did not always work.


Dry the area with a towel as Impur mentioned then add some super glue gel, then the epoxy (following directions on epoxy) then super glue gel again, basiclly a sandwhich, glue, epoxy glue.


Works every time and if done right wont come unglued, you will need to pry it off with a screwdriver.


good luck

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