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8.8 Earthquake in Japan


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Earth axe moved about 4 inches. Water is the queen of our planet., we have to remember that.

Have you noticed how more and more frequent are this tragic events in the most recent history?



Yeah there seems to be a major event every year now.

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I was thinking the same thing and wondering if i just didn't notice these types of things when I was younger or what, but it seems so frequesnt of late that natural disasters are tearing things up. Mother Earth seems PISSED! Could humans be the next dinosaurs?

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This is so sad and messed up. I am bumbed hard core. I found out about this because of this thread and now and watching the numerous news and video reports. Very very sad stuff. Japan and surrounding countries are in our prayers.


Yes, Garrett it gave me chills watching it live. I couldn't believe it. You really felt for those people and hoped the cars would make it out. Hearing about it is one thing but seeing it live. I imagine how the camera crew must have felt feeling helpless to do anything. Now I understand more about why the Tsunami i Thailand was so devastating. Large cars, houses, trucks being tossed around like toys. Wow....

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I think why it seems that there are so many natural disasters in recent years has a lot to do with the insane growth of communications. 5 years ago i didnt have the option to get facebook updates on my cellphone, or check on ashton kutchers tweets from the car. Not that I do either, but its an option. This is just my thoughts on the subject.


And yes it is very tragic what happened. People of Japan, you are in my prayers. I wish upon you all a speedy recovery.

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